Utility for mocking XMLHttpRequest.
Utility for mocking XMLHttpRequest
Great for testing. Great for prototyping while your backend is still being built.
Works in NodeJS and in the browser. Is compatible with Axios, jQuery, Superagent
and probably every other library built on XMLHttpRequest
. Standard compliant (http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/).
Using a bundler
If you are using a bundler like Webpack or Browserify then install xhr-mock
using yarn
or npm
yarn add --dev xhr-mock
Now import xhr-mock
and start using it in your scripts:
import mock from 'xhr-mock';
Without a bundler
If you aren't using a bundler like Webpack or Browserify then add this script to your HTML:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/xhr-mock/dist/xhr-mock.js"></script>
Now you can start using the global, XHRMock
, in your scripts.
First off lets write some code that uses XMLHttpRequest
// we could have just as easily use Axios, jQuery, Superagent
// or another package here instead of using the native XMLHttpRequest object
export default function(data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
if (xhr.status === 201) {
try {
} catch (error) {
} else if (xhr.status) {
try {
} catch (error) {
} else {
reject(new Error('An error ocurred whilst sending the request.'));
xhr.open('post', '/api/user');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
xhr.send(JSON.stringify({data: data}));
Now lets test the code we've written...
import mock from 'xhr-mock';
import createUser from './createUser';
describe('createUser()', () => {
// replace the real XHR object with the mock XHR object before each test
beforeEach(() => mock.setup());
// put the real XHR object back and clear the mocks after each test
afterEach(() => mock.teardown());
it('should send the data as JSON', async () => {
mock.post('/api/user', (req, res) => {
return res.status(201).body('{"data":{"id":"abc-123"}}');
await createUser({name: 'John'});
it('should resolve with some data when status=201', async () => {
mock.post('/api/user', {
status: 201,
reason: 'Created',
body: '{"data":{"id":"abc-123"}}'
const user = await createUser({name: 'John'});
expect(user).toEqual({id: 'abc-123'});
it('should reject with an error when status=400', async () => {
mock.post('/api/user', {
status: 400,
reason: 'Bad request',
body: '{"error":"A user named \\"John\\" already exists."}'
try {
const user = await createUser({name: 'John'});
} catch (error) {
expect(error).toMatch('A user named "John" already exists.');
Replace the global XMLHttpRequest
object with the MockXMLHttpRequest
Restore the global XMLHttpRequest
object to its original state.
Forget all the request handlers.
.get(url | regex, mock)
Register a factory function to create mock responses for each GET request to a specific URL.
mock.get(/\.*.json$/, {
body: JSON.stringify({ data: { id: "abc" } })
.post(url | regex, mock)
Register a factory function to create mock responses for each POST request to a specific URL.
.put(url | regex, mock)
Register a factory function to create mock responses for each PUT request to a specific URL.
.patch(url | regex, mock)
Register a factory function to create mock responses for each PATCH request to a specific URL.
.delete(url | regex, mock)
Register a factory function to create mock responses for each DELETE request to a specific URL.
.use(method, url | regex, mock)
Register a factory function to create mock responses for each request to a specific URL.
Register a factory function to create mock responses for every request.
Log errors thrown by handlers.
.method() : string
Get the request method.
.url() : MockURL
Get the request URL.
.header(name : string, value: string)
Set a request header.
.header(name : string) : string | null
Get a request header.
.headers() : object
Get the request headers.
.headers(headers : object)
Set the request headers.
.body() : string
Get the request body.
.body(body : string)
Set the request body.
.status() : number
Get the response status.
.status(code : number)
Set the response status.
.reason() : string
Get the response reason.
.reason(phrase : string)
Set the response reason.
.header(name : string, value: string)
Set a response header.
.header(name : string) : string | null
Get a response header.
.headers() : object
Get the response headers.
.headers(headers : object)
Set the response headers.
.body() : string
Get the response body.
.body(body : string)
Set the response body.
How to?
Simulate progress
Upload progress
Set the Content-Length
header and send a body. xhr-mock
will emit ProgressEvent
import mock from 'xhr-mock';
mock.post('/', {});
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.onprogress = event => console.log(event.loaded, event.total);
xhr.open('POST', '/');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', '12');
xhr.send('Hello World!');
Download progress
Set the Content-Length
header and send a body. xhr-mock
will emit ProgressEvent
import mock from 'xhr-mock';
mock.get('/', {
headers: {'Content-Length': '12'},
body: 'Hello World!'
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onprogress = event => console.log(event.loaded, event.total);
xhr.open('GET', '/');
Simulate a timeout
Return a Promise
that never resolves or rejects.
import mock from 'xhr-mock';
mock.get('/', () => new Promise(() => {}));
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.timeout = 100;
xhr.ontimeout = event => console.log('timeout');
xhr.open('GET', '/');
A number of major libraries don't use the
event and usesetTimeout()
instead. Therefore, in order to mock timeouts in major libraries, we have to wait for the specified amount of time anyway.
Simulate an error
Return a Promise
that rejects. If you want to test a particular error you an use one of the pre-defined error classes.
import mock from 'xhr-mock';
mock.get('/', () => Promise.reject(new Error()));
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onerror = event => console.log('error');
xhr.open('GET', '/');
Proxying requests
If you want to mock some requests, but not all of them, you can proxy unhandled requests to a real server.
import mock, {proxy} from 'xhr-mock';
// mock specific requests
mock.post('/', {status: 204});
// proxy unhandled requests to the real servers
// this request will receive a mocked response
const xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr1.open('POST', '/');
// this request will receieve the real response
const xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr2.open('GET', 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/1');
Delaying requests
Requests can be delayed using our handy delay
import mock, {delay} from 'xhr-mock';
// delay the request for three seconds
mock.post('/', delay({status: 201}, 3000));
Once off requests
Requests can be made on one off occasions using our handy once
import mock, {once} from 'xhr-mock';
// the response will only be returned the first time a request is made
mock.post('/', once({status: 201}));
send a sequence of responses
In case you need to return a different response each time a request is made, you may use the sequence
import mock, {sequence} from 'xhr-mock';
mock.post('/', sequence([
{status: 200}, // the first request will receive a response with status 200
{status: 500} // the second request will receive a response with status 500
// if a third request is made, no response will be sent
MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) James Newell 2014.