Shell command runner for Node.js
Shell command runner for Node.js
Easily run shell commands from within Node.js, both locally and remote.
npm i xecutor
var xecutor = require('xecutor')
var terminal = new xecutor({
// The host name. Leave blank to run commands locally (default).
host: 'root@ecma',
// The dir to start executing commands in.
// Default is your current dir for local, and the home dir for remote.
dir: '/root',
// The limit of history items, default is 10 000.
// Set to 0 or null to disable history
history: 10_000
terminal.history // Log of all commands
terminal.dir // Last working directory
terminal.id // The unique id of this terminal
var { $ } = terminal
// Run a command
var result = $(`ls -la`)
// Temporarily override dir
var result = $(`ls -la`, { dir: '/home' })
// Temporarily override host
var result = $(`ls -la`, { host: '[email protected]' })
result.stdout // stdout output
result.stderr // stderr output
result.code // exit code
result.dir // the working directory
result.command // the last command executed
result.executed // the actual command including host and dir
result.text // the text from stdout or stderr
// Change dir, commands will be executed here from now
// Path must be absolute
// Returns current working dir
// Get the tmpdir
// Change to tmpdir
MIT Licensed. Enjoy!
Created by Eldøy Projects