Reads in GIMP xcf files
Parses files generated by Gimp (.xcf)
xcfreader can
- Parse a gimp file.
- Provide image width and height information.
- Provide layer information including width, height, x offset in the main image, y offset from the main image.
- Render each layer using an image generator
- Flatten the file using an image generator
xcfreader only supports
- rgb and rgba file formats.
- raster images
xcfreader todo
- support text layers.
- support indexed images
- support grayscale images
- support paths
- perform proper layer flattening. (Currently the pixel is over written by the layer)
Install this module with the following command:
npm install xcfreader
Add the module to your package.json dependencies:
npm install --save xcfreader
Add the module to your package.json dev-dependencies
npm install --save-dev xcfreader
Require the module
import XCFReader from 'xcfreader';
Read a file
XCFReader.parseFile('./myimage.xcf, function(err, xcfReader){
if (err) throw err;
// Get width and height
// Get the number of layers
// Get the width and height of the top layer
// Flattern an image
var xcf = new XCFImage() // should call your Image class.
xcf.fill({red:0, green:0, blue: 0, alpha: 255}); // You need to set up the image with the default background for the image.
// Layer[0] is the top most layer whilst layer[layer.length-1] is the lowest level
// So we need to apply from the end of the layer array.
var numLayers = xcfreader.layers.length;
for(var loop = numLayers -1; loop >=0; loop -=1){
xcfreader.layers[loop].makeImage(xcf,true); // Put the current layer on to the image.
Saving an Image If you want to save either the layer images or the whole image you need to provide a class instance that implements the folling interface
XCFImageInterface {
//set a pixel at a given position.
// @param x the x co-ordinate to set (Can be outside of the image);
// @param y the y co-ordinate to set (Can be outside of the image);
// @param colour { red:<0-255> , green:<0-255> , blue: <0-255>, alpha: <o-255>} // alpha is only include if the layer includes transparancy informatin
setAt(int: x, int: y, obj: colour);
// get the pixel at a given position ( Not currently used, but will in the future to perform flattening)
// @param x the x co-ordinate to set (Can be outside of the image);
// @param y the y co-ordinate to set (Can be outside of the image);
// @return colour { red:<0-255> , green:<0-255> , blue: <0-255>, alpha: <o-255>} // alpha is only include if the layer includes transparancy informatin
obj: colour getAt(int: x, int: y);
Class XCFParser
Static methods
parseImage(string: filename, function: callback)
the file to parse
function(Error:err , GimpParser: xcfReader) called when the parsing has completed.
createImage(XCFImage image)
instance of a class derived from the above interface.
Returns the image with all visible layers flattened. If image
if null then an XCFImage is created of the correct width and height
**The width of the image
**The height of the image
**An array of GimpLayer objects
Class GimpLayer
makeImage(XCFImage: image , boolean: useOffset)
instance of a class derived from the above interface.
(defaults to false) wether to use the layer offset.
| image | useOffset | layer is visible|Action |
| null | true / false | false | returns null |
| null | true | true | returns a XCFImage
the width and height of the main image, with the layer rendered in the correct location|
| null | false | true | returns a XCFImage
the width and height of the layer|
| XCFImage
| true / false | false | returns the passed XCFImage
| XCFImage
| true | true | returns the passed XCFImage
with the layer rendered in the correct location|
| XCFImage
| false | true | returns the passed XCFImage
with the layer rendered in the top left corner|
**The name of the layer
**The width of the layer
**The height of the layer
**The x offset of the layer on the base image
**The y offset of the layer on the base image
Class XCFImage
The XCFImage
wraps round a pngjs-image object. See the docs of pngjs-image for details
The XCFImage
overwrites setAt(x,y,color) and getAt(x,y,colour) to provide functionality describe above