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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Fast and cozy way to extract data from XML.




Xamel Build Status

Xamel provides an easy way to extract data from XML using XPath-like expressions and map/reduce operations. It's designed to be fast and memory-friendly.

Quick start

var xamel = require('xamel');
xamel.parse('<data>Answer: %s<number>42</number></data>', function(err, xml) {
    var answer = xml.$('data/number/text()');
    console.log( xml.$('data/text()'), answer );

xamel.parse(xml, [options], callback)

  • xml string contains XML to parse;
  • options hash of parsing options, includes sax options, incapsulates sax param strict as an option, and two xamel-specific options:
    • buildPath
    • cdata – if evaluated to true then parse process CDATA sections, false by default;
  • callback called when parsing done, passes error or null as the first argument and NodeSet as the second argument.


Lets take an example:

XML (article.xml)


Suppose, you want only <article> and its content as result of the parse, so pass the buildPath option to the parse:

var xamel = require('xamel'),
    xmlSource = require('fs').readFileAsync('./article.xml');

xamel.parse(xmlSource, { buildPath : 'root/body/article' }, function(err, xml) {
    if (err !== null) {
        throw err;


You can also check the partial parsing test.

xamel.serialize(nodeset, [options])

  • nodeset NodeSet to serialize;
  • options parsing options:
    • header – when evaluated to false the document will not contain a <?xml?> header, true by default;
    • pretty – when evaluated to true the document will be beautified with indents and line breaks, false by default;

NodeSets and map/reduce

Result of xamel.parse(…) is a NodeSet. You can think of NodeSet as an array of nodes (internally it's true). NodeSet provides all non-mutator methods of the Array.prototype.

Example of key-value query concatenation

XML (query.xml)

    <key name="mark">Opel</key>
    <key name="model">Astra</key>
    <key name="year">2011</key>


var xamel = require('xamel'),
    xmlSource = require('fs').readFileAsync('./query.xml');
function buildQuery(nodeset) {
    return nodeset.$('query/key').reduce(function(query, key) {
        return [query, '&', key.attr('name'), '=', key.text()].join('');
    }, '');
xamel.parse(xmlSource, function(err, xml) {
    if (err !== null) {
        throw err;
} );

NodeSet preserves nodes' order

So processing a bad-designed xml, where order of nodes is significant, is completely possible:

XML (query.xml)



function buildQuery(nodeset) {
    return nodeset.$('query/*').reduce(function(query, tag) {
        if ( === 'key') {
            return [query, '&', tag.text(), '='].join('');
        } else {
            return query + tag.text();
    }, '');

Ok, but why we need a NodeSet? Why not a regular array?

NodeSet provides some powerful methods to find, extract and process data.

find(path), $(path)

These methods traverse the tree, trying to find nodes satisfying path expression. Result is a NodeSet. length property should be used to check if something is found.

Path looks pretty much similar to XPath, but it's not completely so. That's the path grammar in BNF:

<path> ::= <node-check> | <path> "/" <node-check>
<node-check> ::= "node()" | "text()" | "comment()" | "cdata()" | "*" | "element()" | <xml-tag-name>

As described above, valid paths are:


Invalid paths:

/country        # leading '/' is not allowed
country/state/  # trailing '/' is not allowed
./state         # '.' are not supported <node-check>

Method NodeSet#$ was designed as an alias for NodeSet#find, but it slightly differs. Internally NodeSet#$ calls NodeSet#find, but method returns concatenated string instead of NodeSet, if last check in the path is text():

xml.find('article/para/text()') => [ 'Text 1', 'Text of second para', ... ]
xml.$('article/para/text()') => 'Text 1Text of second para...'

text(keepArray = false)

Method returns content of text nodes in the NodeSet. Being called without an argument or with a first argument equals false, it returns a string (concatenated text nodes content). If not, result is an array of strings.

nodeset.text(true) => ['1', '2', 'test']
nodeset.text() => '12test'
nodeset.text(false) => '12test'


Method returns child node by its index.

    <p>Lorem ipsum…</p>


var nodeset = xml.$('article/h1'),  // $ and find return NodeSet
    title = nodeset.eq(0);          // retrieve Tag from NodeSet
console.log('Header level: %s',[1]);  // use Tag's field


Method filters tags with attribute name and returns a new NodeSet.

    <item current="yes">Products</item>


var currentItemTitle = xml.find('list/item').hasAttr('current').eq(0).text();

isAttr(name, value)

Filters tags with name attribute equals value and returns a new NodeSet.

    <item current="no">Home</item>
    <item current="yes">Products</item>
    <item current="no">About</item>


var currentItemTitle = xml.find('list/item').isAttr('current', 'yes').eq(0).text();


Method filters nodes satisfying expr and returns new NodeSet. Argument expr is <node-check> as described above in the NodeSet#find section.

    <!-- Music -->
    <item>Pink Floyd - The Fletchers Memorial Home</item>
    <!-- Video -->
    <item>Kids on the slope</item>


var media = xml.$('media').eq(0);

media.get('comment()') => NodeSet contains two comments: ' Music ', ' Video '
media.get('item') => NodeSet contains two elements: <item>Pink…</item>, <item>Kids…</item>

It looks the same as NodeSet#find without traversing through the tree, but nodeset.get(<CHECK>) is a bit faster than nodeset.find(<CHECK>).

Method is used internally by NodeSet#find.

Types of nodes


Text nodes are represented by strings.



  • comment represents comment content as a string.


  • toString() returns comment field value.


Tag is a descendant of NodeSet, all NodeSet.prototype methods are available.


  • name contains XML tag name;
  • attrs is a hash of attributes;
  • parent points to parent tag or a root NodeSet.


  • attr(name) returns attribute value by name, or null if attribute isn't defined.



  • getData() returns CDATA section content;
  • toString() similiar to getData;
  • toJSON() returns object { cdata : "cdata content …" }.

Why such complexity? I just want to translate XML to JSON!

require('xamel').parse(xmlString, function(err, xml) {
    if (!err) {
        console.log( JSON.stringify(xml) );