helpers to perfrom url rewriting and reverse rewriting for a proxy target
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This module provides helper functions to map urls from an external client representations to urls as used bay a backend server. It also supports the reverse mapping back from urls of the backend server to external client urls.
The following diagram depicts a proxy mounting the backend server at the mount point '/xyz'
+---------+ +----------------------------------+
client ----->| proxy |------->| target backend server |
| mount: | | url: |
| '/xyz' | | http://server:8080/target/path |
+---------+ +----------------------------------+
The extenral url /xyz/a?b=c seen by a client of the proxy, should thus be mapped to http://server:8080/target/path/a?b=c
Note: the external url representation takes care about x-forwarded-host headers etc.
var proxy = require('x-proxy');
var mount = '/xyz';
var prx = req.proxy = proxy(req,{url:'http://server:8080/target/path'},mount);
// prx now provide mapping functions within the context of this request and the given target url
** request / backend specific helpers: **
prx.internal( url )
test if an url is part of the proxy backend server, thus an internal location, or is just link to some external location (false) for internal locations a object is returned : {secure_switch:false} or {secure_switch:true}. secure_switch indicates if it is an internal location but the protocoll is changed. p.e. to jump to a https version of the location
prx.url( url )
maps an url with mount of the server to an url in terms of the backend server
prx.reverse( url, with_http_server_port )
maps an url of the backen server to an url for the client. Use with_http_server_port=true in case you need an absolute url. p.e. for lcoation headers.
prx.relativize( url )
transforms an (absolute) backend server url to a extrnal valid relative url. This allows to rewrite html content to relattive urls, such they stay valid in a chain of proxies.
prx.resolve( relative_url , with_http_server_port )
relsolve a releative url to an external absolute url. Use with_http_server_port=true in case you need an absolute url with server and port.
** global helpers: **
proxy.relativize( base, path )
for a prefix and a an absolute path return a relative path: p.e. base:'/a/b/c/d', path:'/a/b/e', result: '../e'
proxy.absolutize( req, relative_path, with_http_server_port )
return an absolute url for this request, optionally with protocol, server and port.
proxy.externalize( req, relative_url )
create an absolute url suitable for a client browser, thus using host and x-forwarded host headerss
proxy.internalize( req, relative_url )
create an absolute url suitable for this server internally, NOT using x-forwarded-host etc.
proxy.secure( req )
return an absolute secure version of the current request url for a client