It lets you use hexo (express) as a route in your main express/connect app
It lets you use hexo app(s) as route(s) in your express/connect app
What is x-hexo-app-express ?
- Hexo-server App - It lets you use hexo-server as route in your (connect|express|...) app. It means that you can extend your own server's app with hexo's app.
- Multiple Blog - It lets you use multiple hexo blogs as the routes of your main application. It means that you can have multiple hexo blogs on one server which you created !
- No-Need to Use Hexo-server - Your own (connect|express|...) server is enough !
Getting Started
Do these steps below, one by one to have a clean blog using this package + hexo. These steps are just about a sample project. You can use this information to develop your blog in any shapes.
1. Installation
1.1 - Make a sub-directory in wherever you want inside of your project directory. e.g. if we wanted to make it in the root path of our project, use this command:
$ mkdir blog
1.2 - Enter this command to install hexo-cli globally.
$ sudo npm i hexo-cli -g
1.3 - Go to your blog's directory you made (in step 1.1) and enter this in terminal to initialize hexo, there:
$ hexo init
and after that, the blog directory tree should be something like this:
├── _config.yml
├── node_modules
│ └── ...
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── scaffolds
│ ├── draft.md
│ ├── page.md
│ └── post.md
├── source
│ └── _posts
│ └── hello-world.md
└── themes
└── landscape
├── _config.yml
├── Gruntfile.js
├── languages
│ ├── default.yml
│ ├── de.yml
│ ├── es.yml
│ ├── fr.yml
│ ├── ja.yml
│ ├── ko.yml
│ ├── nl.yml
│ ├── no.yml
│ ├── pt.yml
│ ├── ru.yml
│ ├── zh-CN.yml
│ └── zh-TW.yml
├── layout
│ ├── archive.ejs
│ ├── category.ejs
│ ├── index.ejs
│ ├── layout.ejs
│ ├── page.ejs
│ ├── _partial
│ │ ├── after-footer.ejs
│ │ ├── archive.ejs
│ │ ├── archive-post.ejs
│ │ ├── article.ejs
│ │ ├── footer.ejs
│ │ ├── gauges-analytics.ejs
│ │ ├── google-analytics.ejs
│ │ ├── head.ejs
│ │ ├── header.ejs
│ │ ├── mobile-nav.ejs
│ │ ├── post
│ │ │ ├── category.ejs
│ │ │ ├── date.ejs
│ │ │ ├── gallery.ejs
│ │ │ ├── nav.ejs
│ │ │ ├── tag.ejs
│ │ │ └── title.ejs
│ │ └── sidebar.ejs
│ ├── post.ejs
│ ├── tag.ejs
│ └── _widget
│ ├── archive.ejs
│ ├── category.ejs
│ ├── recent_posts.ejs
│ ├── tagcloud.ejs
│ └── tag.ejs
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── scripts
│ └── fancybox.js
└── source
├── css
│ ├── _extend.styl
│ ├── fonts
│ │ ├── FontAwesome.otf
│ │ ├── fontawesome-webfont.eot
│ │ ├── fontawesome-webfont.svg
│ │ ├── fontawesome-webfont.ttf
│ │ └── fontawesome-webfont.woff
│ ├── images
│ │ └── banner.jpg
│ ├── _partial
│ │ ├── archive.styl
│ │ ├── article.styl
│ │ ├── comment.styl
│ │ ├── footer.styl
│ │ ├── header.styl
│ │ ├── highlight.styl
│ │ ├── mobile.styl
│ │ ├── sidebar-aside.styl
│ │ ├── sidebar-bottom.styl
│ │ └── sidebar.styl
│ ├── style.styl
│ ├── _util
│ │ ├── grid.styl
│ │ └── mixin.styl
│ └── _variables.styl
├── fancybox
│ ├── blank.gif
│ ├── [email protected]
│ ├── fancybox_loading.gif
│ ├── fancybox_overlay.png
│ ├── [email protected]
│ ├── fancybox_sprite.png
│ ├── helpers
│ │ ├── fancybox_buttons.png
│ │ ├── jquery.fancybox-buttons.css
│ │ ├── jquery.fancybox-buttons.js
│ │ ├── jquery.fancybox-media.js
│ │ ├── jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css
│ │ └── jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js
│ ├── jquery.fancybox.css
│ ├── jquery.fancybox.js
│ └── jquery.fancybox.pack.js
└── js
└── script.js
1.4 - In the blog directory, enter this command in terminal to install x-hexo-app-express package, there:
$ npm i x-hexo-app-express --save
1.5 - Configure your blog according to The Configurations Section.
1.6 - Create a index.js
file in your blog's root directory.
e.g. if you want to make it using a bash terminal, enter this command below:
$ touch index.js
1.7 - Fill index.js
file (inside of your blog's directory) with this scripts:
'use strict';
exports = module.exports = function(app){
var blogDirPath = "/absolute/path/to/your/blog's/root/directory";
var Hexo = require("hexo");
var hexo = new Hexo(blogDirPath, {});
return require('x-hexo-app-express')(app, hexo);
1.8 - Open the file which you want to use x-hexo-app-express in your (connect|express|...) application. Then, use these scripts to use hexo as a route in your application:
// some of your codes ...
// e.g. 'app' is your (connect|express|...) application
var hexoAppExpress = require("./relative/path/to/your/blog's/root/directory")(app);
// some of your codes ...
1.9 - After all previous steps, it's time to run your main application which you added x-hexo-app-express to one of it's routes. e.g. after running, if hexo worked well; it should log something like this in your app's terminal:
INFO Start processing
INFO [x-hexo-app-express] is running on route /blog
and you have simply succeed; Congratulations !!!
I suggest you read The 'Using Hexo Themes' Section after being succeed.
2. Configurations
There are 2 ways for x-hexo-app-express configuration.
1. Config :: Using Hexo _configs.yml
There is a _configs.yml
file inside of your blog's directory.
Add these configuration lines to _configs.yml
# x-hexo-app-express
log: false,
compress: false,
header: true,
serveStatic: false
route: /
The configs above are default configs, too.
2. Config :: Using The Third Argument
(>= v2.0.5) Recommended: Simply enter an object to the third argument of this package's function:
{ // The Configs/Options
log: false,
compress: false,
header: true,
serveStatic: false,
route: "/"
Config Explanations
: logs some information about hexo state.
: whether use the compression package or not.
: whether set header 'X-Powered-By': 'Hexo'
or not.
: whether use hexo.load() or hexo.watch() for serving blog.
: determines that hexo runs on which route of your (connect|express|...) application.
Note: Determining the
in it's configs is SO IMPORTANT; because it can cause your app to not load pages correctly. so be careful about it and I recommend you to use the second approach for configuration.
Note: Use the complete route string which x-hexo-app-express connects to your (connect|express|...) app in it.
3. Using Hexo Themes
In hexo themes be careful when you use paths to blog's public sources, routes and ...
For Example:
There is a problem in the archive link of hexo's landscape theme.
If you faced a problem like that, use the url_for() helper and the helpers which use url_for, like:
then add a slash '/' after the archives page
url to solve that.