Build and use WeChat miniprogram core function with typescript.
Build and use WeChat miniprogram core function with typescript.
$ npm install --save wxa-core
Getting started
To enable experimental support for decorators, you must enable the experimentalDecorators compiler option either on the command line or in your tsconfig.json, in addition, set strictPropertyInitialization to false is required.
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"strictPropertyInitialization": false
Use decorator app to mark a app class which extends from App.
// app.ts
import { App, app } from "wxa-core";
ctor(obj: any){
// override app's construct object
// obj.xxx=xxx;
return obj;
export class MyApp extends App {
onLaunch() {
console.log('app launched.');
Use decorator page to mark a page class which extends from Page. Page has a generic parameter (default is any) indicating the data type of current page.
function is executed after theregisterHook
// pages/index/index.ts
import { page, Page } from 'wxa-core';
ctor(obj: any){
// override page's construct object
// obj.xxx=xxx;
return obj;
export class IndexPage extends Page {
onLoad() {
console.log('index page loaded.');
Add computed properties based on data, it will automatically calculate the value in the following scenarios:
- Before page initialization;
- After calling the setData method;
function is executed after theregisterHook
:warning: Accessing the internal members of the page before the page is initialized is invalid, such as 'this.route'.
import { page, computed, Page } from "wxa-core";
export class MyPage extends Page {
data = { amount: 100 };
currency() {
return this.data.amount.toFixed(2);
onLoad() {
console.log(this.route, this.data);
{amount: 100, currency: "100.00"}
Use decorator component to mark a component class which extends from Component. Component has a generic parameter (default is any) indicating the data type of current component.
ctor(obj: any){
// override component's construct object
// obj.xxx=xxx;
return obj;
lifetimes:{}, //recommend to use decorator lifetime
observers:{}, //recommend to use decorator observer
pageLifetimes:{}, //recommend to use decorator pageLifetime
export class MyComponent extends Component {}
By default, custom component's properties will be lost, using the @bind decorator to maintain property bindings.
export class MyComponent extends Component {
Add computed properties based on data and properties, it will automatically calculate the value in the following scenarios:
- Before component initialization;
- After calling the setData method;
- After any property receives an external update;
:warning: Accessing the internal members of the component before the component is initialized is invalid, such as 'this.setData'.
import { component, computed, Component } from "wxa-core";
export class MyComponent extends Component {
data = {
firstName: "Lei",
lastName: "Lee"
fullName() {
const { firstName, lastName } = this.data;
return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
attached() {
{firstName: "Lei", lastName: "Lee", fullName: "Lei Lee"}
Declare the lifecycle functions of components that are automatically triggered at specific points in time or when encountering special frame events. For more details, please refer to here.
:warning:Requires miniprogram's base library version 2.2.3+
import { component, lifetime, Component } from "wxa-core";
export class MyComponent extends Component {
attached() {
We use the method decorator to mark as the component's method.
// components/hint/hint.ts
import { Component, component, method } from "wxa-core";
properties: {
message: String
export class HintComponent extends Component<{ message: string }> {
attached() {
console.log('hint component attached.')
alert() {
wx.showToast({ title: this.data.message })
@observer(fields: string)
Data listeners can be used to listen for and respond to changes in any properties and data field. For more details, please refer to here.
:warning:Requires miniprogram's base library version 2.6.1+
// components/hint/hint.ts
import { Component, component, observer } from "wxa-core";
properties: {
message: String
export class HintComponent extends Component<{ message: string }> {
attached() {
console.log('hint component attached.')
const message = 'Hi, message has been changed!';
setTimeout(() => this.setData({ message }), 3000);
messageChanged(msg: string) {
console.log('message changed:', msg);
// others
app launched.
hint.ts:21 message changed: Hello World!
hint.ts:11 hint component attached.
index.ts:9 index page loaded.
hint.ts:21 message changed: Hi, message has been changed!
Declare the lifecycle function of the page where the component is located. For more details, please refer to here.
:warning:Requires miniprogram's base library version 2.2.3+
import { component, pageLifetime, Component } from "wxa-core";
export class MyComponent extends Component {
show() {
console.log('The show event is triggered on the page');
Global hooks
Page Hook
page.registerHook(fn : (obj : object) => object) : void
Register a global hook function before invode method Page()
import { page } from "wxa-core";
page.registerHook((obj) => {
return obj;
Component Hook
component.registerHook(fn : (obj: object) => object) : void
Register a global hook function before invode method Component()
import { component } from "wxa-core";
component.registerHook((obj) => {
return obj;
Also see
mp-event: a simple event subscription publishing system implementation;
mp-i18n: a cross-platform i18n library for muti-miniprograms (wx、alipay、baidu、tt);
mp-modal: a helper cross-platform tool for miniprograms that can more convenient to use modal components.
mp-mem: a lightweight memoize library that can be used on both normal functions and class methods;
auto-mapping: map and convert objects automatically in typescript;
Update Logs
- 2.1.0
- added global function
for page and componet. - remove package reflect-metadata;
- added global function
- 2.0.0
- added custom constructor option ctor for app, page and component decorator.
- added decorator computed for component and page;
- imported reflect-metadata;
- renamed BaseApp BasePage BaseComponent to App Page Component;
- changed decorators app and page to factory form.
- added mocha test framework for current module.
- added getTabBar api's prompt.
- added Chinese's document.
- 1.2.1
- added decorator bind for component;
- 1.2.0
- removed interface(IApp, IComponent, IPage);
- added base app class BaseApp;
- 1.1.1
- fixed a problem where a function is defined as a property in a component
- 1.1.0
- remove cpage and ccomponent decorators.
- 1.0.2
- added tslint;
- removed source code to reduce the module size;
- added index.d.ts file;
- 1.0.1
- added multipleSlots option to component options;
- added observer decorator for componet's data listener;