WW Goods Triple Match Puzzle Wallet
Digital-Wallet is a SDK help connect db and process action related wallet, items, currency,..
Update package and publish
npm login
npm run build
cd ./dist
npm publish
- Node version: >= 16. Recommended 18.20.2
- checkHealth(): Promise
- createCurrency(data: ICurrencyCreate): Promise
- updateCurrency(data: ICurrencyUpdate): Promise
- queryCurrency(data: ICurrencyQuery): Promise
- getCurrency(payload: ICurrencyDetail): Promise
- createExchangeConfig(data: IExchangeConfigCreate): Promise
- updateExchangeConfig(data: IExchangeConfigUpdate): Promise
- queryExchangeConfig(data: IExchangeConfigQuery): Promise
- getDetailExchangeConfig(payload: IExchangeConfigDetail): Promise
- createItem(data: IItemCreate): Promise
- updateItem(data: IItemUpdate): Promise
- getDetailItem(payload: IItemDetail): Promise
- queryItem(data: IItemQuery): Promise
- consumeItem(data: IItemConsume): Promise
- createUserItem(data: IUserItemCreate): Promise
- updateUserItem(data: IUserItemUpdate): Promise
- queryUserItem(data: IUserItemQuery): Promise
- createWalletTransaction(data: ITransactionCreate): Promise
- rollbackWalletTransaction(data: ITransactionRollback): Promise
- exchangeCurrencyTransaction(data: IExchangeCurrency): Promise
- getUserBalanceByCurrency(data: IGetBalanceUserCurrency): Promise
- getUserBalance(payload: IGetAllBalanceUser): Promise
- queryTransaction(payload: ITransactionQuery): Promise
- createItemPrice(data: IItemPriceCreate): Promise
- updateItemPrice(data: IItemPriceUpdate): Promise And more...
add dependency in package.json file
- package name: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ww-lcp-wallet
Usage in NestJS
import { DigitalWalletModule } from "packageName";
imports: [
// config when use inapp-purchase
// optional
sequelizeConfigs: {
// "mysql" | "postgres" | "sqlite" | "mariadb" |..
dialect: "postgres",
host: "host",
port: "port",
username: "username",
password: "password",
database: "database",
logging: false,
timezone: "+07:00",
// config when use inapp-purchase
// optional
googleCloudServiceConfigs: {
clientEmail: "string",
privateKey: "string",
// optional
googlePlayConfigs: {
googlePublicKeyPath: "string",
googlePublicKeyStrSandBox: "string",
googlePublicKeyStrLive: "string",
// optional
appleStoreConfigs: {
password: "string",
controllers: [],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
And using, inject your service:
import { DigitalWalletService } from "packageName";
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly digitalWalletService: DigitalWalletService) {}
async checkHealth() {
return await this.digitalWalletService.checkHealth();
export interface AppleStoreConfigs {
password: string;
export interface GoogleCloudSericeConfigs {
clientEmail: string;
privateKey: string;
export interface GooglePlayConfigs {
googlePublicKeyPath: string;
googlePublicKeyStrSandBox?: string;
googlePublicKeyStrLive?: string;
export interface DigitalWalletConfigOptions {
sequelizeConfigs: SequelizeConfigOptions;
googleCloudServiceConfigs?: GoogleCloudSericeConfigs;
googlePlayConfigs?: GooglePlayConfigs;
appleStoreConfigs?: AppleStoreConfigs;
export type Dialect =
| "mysql"
| "postgres"
| "sqlite"
| "mariadb"
| "mssql"
| "mariadb";
export interface SequelizeConfigOptions {
* The dialect of the database you are connecting to. One of mysql, postgres, sqlite, mariadb and mssql.
* @default 'mysql'
dialect?: Dialect;
* The name of the database
database?: string;
* The username which is used to authenticate against the database.
username?: string;
* The password which is used to authenticate against the database.
password?: string;
* The host of the relational database.
* @default 'localhost'
host?: string;
* The port of the relational database.
port?: number;
* The timezone used when converting a date from the database into a JavaScript date. The timezone is also
* used to SET TIMEZONE when connecting to the server, to ensure that the result of NOW, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
* and other time related functions have in the right timezone. For best cross platform performance use the
* format
* +/-HH:MM. Will also accept string versions of timezones used by moment.js (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles');
* this is useful to capture daylight savings time changes.
* @default '+00:00'
timezone?: string;
* A function that gets executed while running the query to log the sql.
logging?: boolean | ((sql: string, timing?: number) => void);