WPDE - Wordpress Development Environment
WPDE - WordPress Development Environment
$ npm install wpde --save-dev
Prepare config
WPDE works only with config in your theme/plugin directory. Create file wpde.config.js
const pkg = require('./package.json');
const cfg = {};
// Build Paths.
cfg.name = 'plugin-name';
cfg.src = './src';
cfg.dist_root = './dist';
cfg.dist = '{dist_root}/{name}';
// Browser sync.
cfg.browser_sync = {
proxy: '{name}.local',
// PostCSS config.
cfg.postcss_config = require('./postcss.config.js');
// Template variables that will be automatically replaced.
// Search and replace all template variables like: @@text_domain, @@text_domain,
// @@icon:icon-file.svg|className:thfg-svg-icon|escape
cfg.template_files_src = '{dist}/**/*.{md,php,js,css,pot,json}';
cfg.template_files_variables = {
text_domain: pkg.name,
plugin_version: pkg.version,
plugin_name: pkg.name,
plugin_title: pkg.title,
plugin_author: pkg.author,
* Example how to replace template variable using a callback.
* @param {string} icon Icon name containing @@icon: prefix, so it must be removed. Example: @@icon:icon-file.svg
* @param {array} filters An array of filters. Example: [{name: 'className', args: ['thfg-svg-icon']}, ...]
* @return {string|Promise} Content to pe pasted into files.
'icon:*': function (icon, filters) {
icon = icon.replace('@@icon:', '');
try {
return fs.readFileSync(path.join('./src/assets/icons', icon));
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error while reading icon file', e.message);
return icon;
// Path to icons included into templates
cfg.template_icons_path = '{src}/assets/icons';
// Clean files.
cfg.clean_files = '{dist}';
cfg.clean_files_opts = { force: true };
// Copy files.
cfg.copy_files_src = [
// Compile SCSS files.
cfg.compile_scss_files_src = [
cfg.compile_scss_files_src_opts = {};
cfg.compile_scss_files_compress = true;
cfg.compile_scss_include_paths = ['node_modules'];
// Create additional CSS files with RTL support.
cfg.compile_scss_files_rtl = false;
// Compile JS files.
cfg.compile_js_files_src = [
// Compile JSX files.
cfg.compile_jsx_files_src = [
// Correct line endings files.
cfg.correct_line_endings_files_src = '{dist}/**/*.{js,css}';
// ZIP files.
cfg.zip_files = [
src: '{dist}/**/*',
dist: '{dist_root}/{name}.zip',
// Watch files.
cfg.watch_files = [
cfg.watch_js_files = [
cfg.watch_jsx_files = [
cfg.watch_scss_files = '{src}/**/*.scss';
module.exports = cfg;
$ npx wpde <options>
build theme/plugin-w
start watch changes in files and automatically run 'build' after changes-z
prepare ZIP file after build
Other options
custom config, by default used automatic way. Custom example:--config="wpde.config.js"
show usage information-v
show version info
$ npx wpde --build --watch