Convenience library for looking up city and country data using GPS coordinates and by name.
World Cities
24,343 world cities and 252 countries.
A convenient wrapper for the GeoNames database of world cities data.
The data from the GeoNames tab seperated values files are parsed and normalized into a JSON object for quick lookup and distance calculations. The data for each city's country is also normalized, indexed by ISO_3166-1 country code, paired with the country's flag's SVG, GeoJSON of its boundaries, and relative URL to Wikipedia page.
Query for a city by GPS
const WorldCities = require('worldcities');
const city = WorldCities.getNearestCity(5.42282298420212, 100.33753796627954);
// City {
// latitude: 5.41123,
// longitude: 100.33543,
// name: 'George Town',
// population: 300000,
// timezone: 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur',
// country: Country {
// areaSquareMeters: 329750,
// callingCode: '60',
// capital: 'Kuala Lumpur',
// continent: 'AS',
// countryCode: 'MY',
// countryCode3: 'MYS',
// currencyCode: 'MYR',
// currencyName: 'Ringgit',
// languages: [
// 'ms-MY', 'en',
// 'zh', 'ta',
// 'te', 'ml',
// 'pa', 'th'
// ],
// name: 'Malaysia',
// neighbors: [ 'BN', 'TH', 'ID' ],
// population: 31528585,
// postalCodeRegExp: '^(\\d{5})$',
// tld: '.my',
// wikipedia: 'Malaysia',
// geoJSON: undefined,
// flagSVG: undefined
// }
// }
Query for a large city by GPS
const WorldCities = require('worldcities');
const city = WorldCities.getNearestLargeCity(17.076480407330514, -101.3674415353851);
Query for a single city by name
const city = WorldCities.getByName('Tokyo');
Query all cities matching a name
const cities = WorldCities.getByName('nEw yOrK');
assert.equal(cities.length, 3);
Get a Country by Country Code
Retrieve the country data by querying for it by the 2 letter country code. The second argument returns the Country with full data, including geoJSON and flag SVG.
const country = WorldCities.getCountry('NZ', true);
fs.writeFileSync('nz.flag.svg', country.flagSVG);
The city data includes the IANA timezone ID in string format; ie. "America/Los_Angeles". To use these to localize dates and times to the city, it's highly recommended to use the Moment Timezone library.
For example, to convert a UNIX timestamp to a localized date time string:
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
moment(Math.floor( / 1000), 'X')
.format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a z');
// "Friday, May 1st 2020, 5:52:11 am PDT"
GeoJSON objects can be visualized nicely in the UI.
Google Maps also supports using GeoJSON as a "Data Layer" via the API.
All of the data is also available in a compact SQLite file. It is in the source repository, but not included in the package to keep size reasonable.
Data Sources
City and country data:
Flag SVG data