A tool let you bundle your static website file into a Clouflare Worker script
What is Workerpack
Workerpack is a command line tool based on JavaScript, it can pack your static files into a single script which you can deploy to Cloudflare Worker.
Normally, Cloudflare Worker Sites requires $5/month, but the normal worker doesn't charge any with Free plan. So if the total size of your site files is under 1MB, you can use a smart way to pack them together and deploy it as a normal worker.
This tool is made for this purpose, you can use it to pack your small site and deploy it to Cloudflare Worker as a normal worker for free.
How to use it
npm install workerpack -g
Create a configuration file in your project directory named "workerpack.conf.js", following is a template of the configuration.
module.exports = {
host: '', // host of your Cloudflare Worker, like ""
target: '', // the path of a directory you want to pack
loader: [
test: /\.js$/ // a pattern to match file name
type: 'application/x-javascript', // specify MIME type of matched files.
// or you can set loader like this:
ext: '.js', // just set the ext of files
output: './output', // output path
run_before_build: ['npm run build'], // command lines you want to run before build
run_after_build: [], // command lines you want to run after build
Then you can run this command to start packing:
workerpack build
Also, you can set target path by command line:
workerpack build ./dist
In this command line, "./dist" is the path of a directory you want to pack.
Then wait the program done, and put the content of output script into your worker.
We recommend to import assets through CDN rather than use npm package or just put it in the project directory, that will help you reduce the size of output script.
Also, we recommend to use SVG icons rather than images, this tool hasn't supported pack image or other binary files yet.