Package to convert words to numbers or numbers to words
Package to convert words to numbers or numbers to words
convertToText(64) // sixty four
convertToNumber(three thousand six hundred ninety dollars and seventy five cents) //3690.75
#1.01 **updated to pass along optional parameter to allow hints for the output currently the only option is ExpectedRange to pass in a min and max value (both are required if this is used) **minor bug fix to address decimals that may not be implicit
twenty three ninety nine could be 23.99 or 2399 passing in an optional parameter setting min and max values will help to alleviate some confusion in the output convertToNumber ('twenty three ninety nine') //2399 convertToNumber ('twenty three ninety nine',[{"option": "ExpectedRange","value": {"min": 10,"max": 500}}]) //23.99
#1.02 **Updated to MIT license