measure the salience / importance of words in a text document -- based on the frequency of the words in the document, versus their frequency in English
- return the most salient / important words from a piece of text
- or directly from a wordcounts object similar to what is returned by word-count-frequency
- salience =
word frequency / frequency in english * # word appearances
- similar to tf-idf - based on frequencies from norvig-frequencies-stemmed
npm i word-salience
var ws = require('word-salience');
//excerpt from "The Complete Book of Cheese, by Robert Carlton Brown"
// https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14293/pg14293.txt
var theText = "Cheese market day in a town in the north of Holland. All the\n" +
"cheese-fanciers are out, thumping the cannon-ball Edams and the\n" +
"millstone Goudas with their bare red knuckles, plugging in with a\n" +
"hollow steel tool for samples. In Holland the business of judging a\n" +
"crumb of cheese has been taken with great seriousness for centuries.\n" +
"The abracadabra is comparable to that of the wine-taster or\n" +
"tea-taster. These Edamers have the trained ear of music-masters and,\n" +
"merely by knuckle-rapping, can tell down to an air pocket left by a\n" +
"gas bubble just how mature the interior is.\n" +
"\n" +
"The connoisseurs use gingerbread as a mouth-freshener; and I, too,\n" +
"that sunny day among the Edams, kept my gingerbread handy and made my\n" +
"way from one fine cheese to another, trying out generous plugs from\n" +
"the heaped cannon balls that looked like the ammunition dump at\n" +
"Antietam.\n" +
"\n" +
"I remember another market day, this time in Lucerne. All morning I\n" +
"stocked up on good Schweizerkäse and better Gruyère. For lunch I had\n" +
"cheese salad. All around me the farmers were rolling two-hundred-pound\n" +
"Emmentalers, bigger than oxcart wheels. I sat in a little café,\n" +
"absorbing cheese and cheese lore in equal quantities. I learned that a\n" +
"prize cheese must be chock-full of equal-sized eyes, the gas holes\n" +
"produced during fermentation. They must glisten like polished bar\n" +
"glass. The cheese itself must be of a light, lemonish yellow. Its\n" +
"flavor must be nutlike. (Nuts and Swiss cheese complement each other\n" +
"as subtly as Gorgonzola and a ripe banana.) There are, I learned,\n" +
"\"blind\" Swiss cheeses as well, but the million-eyed ones are better."
//full params:
var returnUnstemmedWords = true; //default true - return the words in their unstemmed format [the first unstemmed version encountered is the one returned]. note this is a "superficial" parameter -- all scoring is identical, only the labels are changed.
var doPostMultiply = true; //default true - multiple word scores by number of word appearances
console.log(ws.getSalientWords(theText, returnUnstemmedWords, doPostMultiply).slice(0,5));
//returns list of words sorted by salience
[ 'Edams', 0.27351362035510285 ],
[ 'taster', 0.07597600565419523 ],
[ 'Cheese', 0.06048089923787909 ],
[ 'gingerbread', 0.0467544650179663 ],
[ 'fanciers', 0.03039040226167809 ]
//stemmed [note that scores are identical]
[ 'edam', 0.27357297182063456 ],
[ 'taster', 0.07599249217239848 ],
[ 'chees', 0.06049402337408037 ],
[ 'gingerbread', 0.04676461056762983 ],
[ 'fancier', 0.030396996868959397 ]
//with post-multiply = false [post-multiply multiples score by number of word appearances, similar to TF-IDF]
[ 'edam', 0.13407875855107848 ],
[ 'taster', 0.0558661493962827 ],
[ 'fancier', 0.04469291951702616 ],
[ 'millston', 0.04469291951702616 ],
[ 'gouda', 0.04469291951702616 ]
//get the data as an object instead of array:
Cheese: 0.06048089923787909,
market: 0.00011119795924507169,
day: 0.0001068245666126788,
town: 0.00008512717720358008,
north: 0.00004101268861225114,
Holland: 0.0027134287733641153,
//get salience from result of [npm word-count-frequency]
//you must give it the unstemmed text if you want it to return unstemmed words. otherwise it returns the stemmed words.
getSalientWordsObjectFromWordCount(wordCountResult, doReturnUnstemmed, unstemmedText, doPostMultiply);