Minimalist frontend framework.
Minimalist component framework instead of Angular, React, Vue, Solid, Svelte, Lit
npm install -g wok.js
installs the package globally
creates a wok.js project (Win11: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted)
wok somename
creates a new wok
starts your wok.js application
how to use
In the _woks folder there are your custom reusable components.
In the _build folder the parsed code resides, you can deploy it as you would deploy a vanilla project.
is responsible for behaviour and state
let _x;
let _y = 10 * _x;
let _title;
and then modify them dynamically with html
or with js.
and then invoke them using dot notation.
// on the wok itself
this.on('click', () => { // or select('example-wok').on
console.log("wok was clicked!");
// on elements inside the wok
select('h1').on('click', () => {
console.log('h1 was clicked!');
const w = createElement('example-wok'); // or document.createElement('example-wok');
select('body').appendChild(w); // or document.body.appendChild(w);
select('example-wok').remove(); // or w.remove();
select('example-wok').on('born', () => {
console.log('wok was born!');
select('example-wok').on('death', () => {
console.log('wok died!');
.on --> .addEventListener
.off --> .removeEventListener
select --> document.querySelector
selectAll --> document.querySelectorAll
createElement --> document.createElement
is responsible for structure
<li>${_x / _y}</li>
<nested-wok title=${_myTitle}></nested-wok>
is responsible for appearance
example-wok {
display: block;
border: solid 2px black;
h1 {
color: ${_color};
✔ rebuild the component on save, so we don't have to 'npm run fry' every time, we make a change
✔ rebuild when save happens in regural html files too (not only in woks)
✔ find a way to shorten the command which creates a new wok, beacuse 'npm run wok wokname' is too long
? find a way to achieve highlighting in the css part of the wok, and override linting errors
? find a way to run the app from memory, and only build it when we want to deploy it
? templating language
? >selectors> for wok inner elements
? attrs as parameters in createElement()
? live-server should send refresh msg to the websocket only once after code parsing