A quick start WizziFactoryPackage (1 of 3) to dive into the Wizzi Factory.
Starter Wizzi Lab
A Lab to get started with the Wizzi Factory.
Shows the production of an elementary object database.
Wizzi schemas
- wfjob - The embedded schema modeling a Wizzi Factory job.
- js1 - An ultra relaxed code schema targeting the javascript language.
- db1 - A simplified database schema targeting a generic object database.
- js1/module - generates a javascript module from a js1 model instance.
Shows the production of a simple static web site.
The html source is a group of ittf documents of schema htm1, vaguely inspired by jade. The css source is a group of ittf documents of schema css1, vaguely inspired by sass and less.
Wizzi schemas
- wfjob - The embedded schema modeling a Wizzi Factory job.
- htm1 - An ultra relaxed code schema targeting the html language.
- css1 - An ultra relaxed code schema targeting the css language.
- htm1/document - generates an html document from an htm1 model instance.
- css1/document - generates a css stylesheets from an htm1 model instance.
Wizzi labs
Wizzi Factory seed projects for developing artifact productions.
The Wizzi Factory
An organic set of tools for model driven programming.
Work still in progress
Availability of the firsts generators will be announced on Twitter and Facebook.