The schema manager of the Wizzi factory.
Work still in progress
This package is not ready
Wizzi Schema
The schema manager of the Wizzi factory.
The bootstrap schema 'wizzischema'
A manually crafted Wizzi model describing the Wizzi schema of type 'wizzischema'.
The schema generation process
Wizzi model instances of type 'wizzischema' are inputs to the Schema generation process that generates Wizzi models and Wizzi model loaders for the domains of interest.
The schema documentation artifacts
A schema documentation is built using the comments of the schema items. It is produced by 2 artifacts: wizzischema/jsondocs - A json file for dynamic presentation of the documentation of schema items wizzischema/htmldocs - A static html page describing the schema (built from a jsondocs object)
The Wizzi Factory
A set of tools for model driven programming.
Work still in progress
Availability of the firsts starter labs will be announced on Twitter and Facebook.