Add filesystem-based cache to functions
Filesystem-based cache to add to functions
Make a function cached to the filesystem and persist results even between restarts. Supports waiting for in-progress results and works across workers.
npm install with-file-cache
import {withFileCache} from "with-file-cache";
// initialize the cache
const addFileCache = withFileCache({baseKey: () => ""});
const fn = addFileCache(async (name) => {
console.log("Called fn with " + name);
return "Hello " + name + "!";
}, {calcCacheKey: (arg) => arg});
await fn("Bob");
// called fn with Bob
await fn("Bob");
await fn("Joe");
// called fn with Joe
Add the package-lock.json to the cache key
Usually, when dependencies change you want to invalidate all caches. To do this, use the baseKey
configuration of the withFileCache
import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import crypto from "node:crypto";
const sha = (x) => crypto.createHash("sha256").update(x).digest("hex");
export const addFileCache = withFileCache(
{baseKey: async () => {
return sha(await fs.readFile("package-lock.json", "utf-8"));
Configure the cache key
Use the calcCacheKey
function to define how the cache key is calculated. When a cache key is already found in the cache then the function won't be called.
Supports simple values, arrays, and functions.
Simple JS values and Buffers are automatically serialized to the file, but sometimes the function's result can't be written easily. In that case, use the
to configure how to convert to and from a Buffer.
const getStyle = addFileCache(async (assetsOutDir) => {
// ...
return {style: rewritten, assetFiles};
}, {calcCacheKey: async (assetsOutDir) => {
const files = await glob("**/*.*", {cwd: path.join(__dirname, "_assets", "stylesheets"), stat: true, nodir: true, withFileTypes: true});
return ["getStyle", assetsOutDir, ...files.map((file) => ({path: file.fullpath(), mtime: file.mtime.getTime()})).sort((a, b) => a.path > b.path ? 1 : -1).map((o) => JSON.stringify(o))];
}, serialize: async ({style, assetFiles}) => {
const zipBlobWriter = new zip.BlobWriter();
const zipWriter = new zip.ZipWriter(zipBlobWriter);
zipWriter.add("__index", new zip.TextReader(JSON.stringify({style, assetFiles: assetFiles.map(({name}) => name)})));
await assetFiles.reduce(async (memo, {name, getContents}) => {
await memo;
await zipWriter.add(name, new zip.Uint8ArrayReader(new Uint8Array(await getContents())))
}, Promise.resolve());
await zipWriter.close();
return Buffer.from(await (await zipBlobWriter.getData()).arrayBuffer());
}, deserialize: async (file) => {
const zipReader = new zip.ZipReader(new zip.Uint8ArrayReader(new Uint8Array(file)));
const entries = await zipReader.getEntries();
const {style, assetFiles} = JSON.parse(await (entries.find(({filename}) => filename === "__index").getData(new zip.TextWriter())));
return {
assetFiles: assetFiles.map((name) => {
return {
getContents: async () => {
return Buffer.from(await (await entries.find(({filename}) => filename === name).getData(new zip.BlobWriter())).arrayBuffer())