**with-data-fetcher** is a container for React components, which automates getting data from an API when the composed component's props change.
with-data-fetcher is a container for React components, which automates getting data from an API when the composed component's props change.
Why should I use with-data-fetcher?
How many times have you written fetching logic in order to populate the props in a React component? Way to many times.
This container gets you up and running with
- data fetching that happens on componentDidMount or
- data fetching when specific props change,
- an optional initial state for your React component and
- an optional loading screen component, which shows before the fetched data arrives.
- works with Typescript, React 16.8 >
- a function prop, getData is provided to the wrapped child component, which is used to fetch data at adhoc times
- param fetcher - (outerProps) => Promise - required function that takes the props passed to the composed child React component and returns a promise with the fetched data.
- param defaultState - (outerProps) => defaultResultData - optional function that returns the default version of the result data. If not provided, the container will return the loading component until the result data has been fetched.
- param whenChanges - (outerProps) => any[] - optional function that returns an array of dependencies, any of which change, will trigger the data to be fetched again.
- returns anonymous function
- param ChildComponent required component to wrap
- param LoadingScreen optional loading component to show when no data available
TSX example
import * as React from 'react';
import withDataFetcher from 'with-data-fetcher';
const DataRenderer = ({ otherData, data, getData }: ChildProps) => {
return (
<button onClick={() => getData({ whichData: 1 })}>
get second set of data
{data.map((d: string) => (
const dataStore = [
['a', 'b', 'c'],
['1', '2', '3',
type OuterProps = { whichData: number };
type FetchResult = { data: string[] };
type ChildProps = FetchResult & { otherData: string; getData: (args?: OuterProps) => void }:
const ComposedComponent = withDataFetcher<OuterProps, ChildProps, FetchResult>(
async ({ whichData }) => ({ data: dataStore[whichData] }),
ReactDOM.render(<ComposedComponent whichData={0} otherData="otherpieceofdata" />, document.body);