A tiny TypeScript/JavaScript library which helps change/add alpha(opacity) of a css hexadecimal color.
A tiny TypeScript/JavaScript library which helps change/add alpha(opacity) of a css hexadecimal color.
- zero-dependency
- lightweight
- written in TypeScript
- returns a familiar hexadecimal color instead of a functional notation one.
🤨 What is this?
This is a library for those who use CSS-in-JS and prefer to use #RRGGBB[AA]
style css color rather than functional notation color such as rgb()
or hsl()
and want to make the alpha channel dynamic.
There are plenty of color manipulation libraries but most of them output functional notation colors(Especially when using alpha).
🤔 Ok, How to use then?
It's fairly simple. :) A quick instruction goes below.
💻 Installation
npm i with-alpha-hex
# or
yarn add with-alpha-hex
The library is TypeScript-ready and has zero-dependency. :)
🎈 Usage
import { withAlphaHex } from 'with-alpha-hex'
const textColor = '#000'
const weakTextColor = withAlphaHex(textColor, 0.4) // #00000066
const primaryColor = '#14B1AB'
const weakPrimaryColor = withAlphaHex(primaryColor, 0.2) // #14B1AB33
Wait, what are those 8-digit hexadecimal color thingy?
In CSS Color Module Level 4, You can use #RRGGBBAA
color which has an alpha channel value.
✨ With Styled-JSX
import { withAlphaHex } from 'with-alpha-hex'
// ~~~~
const RandomComponent = () => {
return (
<p className="random-text">{text}</p>
<style jsx>{`
.random-text {
color: ${textColor}
background: ${backgroundColor};
.random-text:hover {
background: ${withAlphaHex(backgroundColor, 0.2)};