Basic transport that works just like all other winston transports. Sends logged messages to a specified slack chat channel
###Winston Transport for Slack chat integration
Basic transport that works just like all other winston transports. Sends logged messages to a specified slack chat channel
First install winston...
$ npm install winston
Then install winston-bishop-slack
$ npm install winston-bishop-slack
#####Additonal Options:
- webhook_url: (required) url for your integration (provided by the slack API)
- icon_url: avatar of the message 'sender' as it appears in slack
- channel: channel on which the sent message will appear in slack
- username: name displayed in the chat channel. default "Winston Bishop"
winston.add(slack, {
webhook_url: "",
icon_url: "",
channel: "#winston",
username: "Winston Bishop",
level: 'error',
handleExceptions: true,
customFormatter: function(level, message, meta) {
return { attachments: [ {
fallback: "Urgent announcement regarding my cat Ferguson",
pretext: "Urgent announcement regarding my cat Ferguson",
color: '#D00000',
fields: [{
title: util.format(":scream_cat: %s", message),
value: meta.detail,
short: false
winston.error('Ferguson Ran Away!', { detail: "He was last seen at 3pm on Tuesday" },
function(err, res) {
console.log('Finished 3: (error=%s)', JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));