Node Wrapper for Winnipeg Transit REST API Services.
An unofficial javascript wrapper for Winnipeg Transit's Open Data Web Service.
Contains some common functions for pulling data from the public API provided by Winnipeg Transit.
See the official Winnipeg Transit API docs
for more details.
Install the package with:
npm install --save winnipegtransitapi
# or
yarn add winnipegtransitapi
The package needs to be configured with your Winnipeg Transit API key, which is available on your home screen when you log into your Winnipeg Transit API Account.
Create a new instance of the client with your API key.
import WinnipegTransitAPI from 'winnipegtransitapi'
const client = new WinnipegTransitAPI('YOUR_API_KEY_HERE');
Optionally, you can pass a different API version as the second parameter in this constructor
const client = new WinnipegTransitAPI('YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', '')
The default URL is v3 of the API
You can use ES modules and async
import WinnipegTransitAPI from 'winnipegtransitapi';
const client = new WinnipegTransitAPI('YOUR_API_KEY_HERE');
const stop_details = await client.getStop(10064);
// print out stop details
console.log("stop_details => ", stop_details);
Or, you can use this with promises
like this:
import WinnipegTransitAPI from 'winnipegtransitapi';
const client = new WinnipegTransitAPI('YOUR_API_KEY_HERE');
client.getStop(10064).then((stop_details) => {
// do something with json response object.
console.log("stop_details => ", stop_details);
General Services
To check schedule status:
You can get an overall status message for the schedule service with
const status = await client.getStatus();
To get Service Advisories:
You can load all current service advisories like this:
const service_advisories = await client.getServiceAdvisories();
// or
const some_params = { priority: 2, limit: 3 }
const service_advisories = await client.getServiceAdvisories(some_params);
For a full list of params check out the official Winnipeg Transit API docs
To get details for a particular service advisory:
const service_advisory = await client.getServiceAdvisory(advisory_id);
Destination Services
You can find destinations for a route variant using getVariantDestinations()
and pass in a variant key (eg: 16-1-K).
const search_results = await client.getVariantDestinations('16-1-K');
// or provide additional params
const search_results = await client.getVariantDestinations('16-1-K', other_params);
Location Services
To search for a location:
You can search for a location using .findLocation
, providing a search term like this:
const search_results = await client.findLocation('search_term');
// or provide additional params
const search_results = await client.findLocation('search_term', other_params);
Get locations matching criteria:
You can search for a location by other parameters than a name, use .getLocationsMatch()
// Fetches all locations within 1km of 49.895, -97.138
const location_params = { lat: 49.895, lon: -97.138, distance: 1000 }
const search_results = await client.getLocationsMatching(location_params);
Stop Services
To search for a stop:
You can search for a stop using .findStops()
, providing a search term like this:
const search_results = await client.findStops('search_term');
// or provide additional params
const search_results = await client.findStops('search_term', other_params);
This will perform a wildcard stop search given the search term, and any additional parameters can be found on the official api docs
You will get back an array of stop objects matching your query.
To get stop details:
You can use .getStop()
to get back information about a single stop like this:
// pass in a 5 digit stop id.
const stop_details = await client.getStop(stop_id);
// or provide additional params
const stop_details = await client.getStop(stop_id, other_params);
To get stop features:
You can use .getStopFeatures()
to get back features for a particular stop.
// pass in a 5 digit stop id.
const stop_features = await client.getStopFeatures(stop_id);
// or provide additional params
const stop_features = await client.getStopFeatures(stop_id, other_params);
This is what the api docs refer to as an
identity query. Some example additional parameters are { usage: 'long' }
Get stops near a location and more:
You can use .getStopsMatching()
to return an array of stops using a filter
It can be used to return stops near a location, but it can also be used to return stops matching any number of criteria.
// get stops near a location
const nearby_stops = await client.getStopsMatching({ lat: 49.86954995, lon: -97.13714044, distance: 250 });
// get stops for a particular route
const route_stops = await client.getStopsMatching({ route: 16 });
// get stops on a street
const stops_on_street = await client.getStopsMatching({ street: 2717 });
To get the schedule for a particular stop:
You can use getStopSchedule()
to get the schedule for a stop.
// return a immediate schedule
const stop_schedule = await client.getStopSchedule(stop_id);
// pass some additional params
const other_params = { start: '06:00:00', end : '08:00:00'}
const stop_schedule = await client.getStopSchedule(stop_id, other_params);
// get the stop schedule for a particular route
const route_schedule = await client.getStopSchedule(stop_id, { route: 16 });
Route Services
To search for a route:
Use .findRoutes()
, providing a search term like this:
const search_results = await client.findRoutes('search_term');
// or provide additional params
const search_results = await client.findRoutes('search_term', other_params);
To get route details:
You can use .getRoute()
to get back information about a single route like this:
// pass in a route ID.
const route_details = await client.getRoute(11);
// or provide additional params
const route_details = await client.getRoute(route_id, other_params);
To get routes at a particular stop:
You can use getRoutesAtStop(stop_id)
to return a list of routes that visit that stop:
// pass in a 5 digit stop id.
const routes_through_stop = await client.getRoutesAtStop(stop_id);
Street Services
To search for a street:
You can use .findStreet()
to find streets given a search term:
const streets = await client.findStreet('main street');
// or, with additional params
const streets = await client.findStreet('main street', { leg: e });
To get details for a particular street:
Use the .getStreet
function for this:
const street_data = await client.getStreet(street_id);
// or with additional params
const street_data = await client.getStreet(street_id, additional_params);
To get streets that match given criteria:
Use the getMatchingStreets()
function like this:
const street_params = { name: 'Main', leg: 'N' };
const streets = await client.getMatchingStreets(street_params);
See the official API docs for parameters that can be passed in here.
Other Functions
I'll be adding other functionality here as needed.