Soundings for paraglider pilots.
Sounding forecast for paraglider pilots.
You can load the plugin on mobiles and tablets by visiting (Note that the mobile application does not support plugins for security reasons).
How to use the plugin
- Click on the hamburger menu at the top left of
- Click on "Install Windy Plugin":
- Load the "Sounding" plugin:
- Right-click anywhere on the map and select "Better Sounding" to display the sounding forecast:
The sounding appears on the left side of screen:
A few notes:
- On desktop, you can scroll (mouse wheel) on the sounding diagram to go forward/backward in time - (pressing ctrl or shift will jump to the next/previous day),
- On touch devices, swiping left or right on the plugin will go backward or forward in time,
- The blue line shows the dewpoint,
- The red line shows air temperature,
- The green line shows the temperature of an ascending parcel,
- The hatched area across the graph shows the convective layer (cumulus clouds),
- The left area shows clouds (excluding cumulus),
- The top-most area show upper level clouds (i.e. up to ~15km),
- The wind graph shows wind from 0-30km/h in the left part (white background) and from 30 to max speed in right part (red background),
- On desktop, the subtitle shows which model is used ("GFS" in this example - note that not all models are supported),
- The axis units match your windy settings.
- for their great web app and exposing the required data,
- windy-plugin-skewt by by John C. Kealy for some initial inspiration,
- MetPy for the maths,
- Preact for the small footprint framework,
- Icons by Yannick,
- Loading Indicator by Sam Herbert,
- and also d3, Babel, ESLint, SVGOMG, ...
Support the development
You can support the development of this plugin via the Buy me a Coffee platform
Any contribution is greatly appreciated!