WickrIO Calendar Bot allows you to create, modify and list Google Calendar events in addition to setting in-Wickr reminder notifications before events
WickrIO Google Calendar Bot
The WickrIO Google Calendar Bot allows you to create, modify and list Google Calendar events in addition to setting in-Wickr reminder notifications before events.
- /help - List all available commands
- /list - List 5 most recent upcoming Google Calendar events
- /list AMOUNT - List AMOUNT upcoming Google Calendar events
- /create - Create a Google Calendar event
- /modify EVENT_ID - Modify the specified Google Calendar event(run '/list' first to get the list of events and their IDs)
- First create a Google Calendar API project at [https://console.developers.google.com/] (https://console.developers.google.com/)
- After creating the project, Click 'Enable APIS and Services' and search for Google Calendar API and click 'Enable'
- On the left Menu Bar select "Credentials" -> "Create Credential"
- Choose "OAuth Client ID", then under "Application type" choose "Web Application"
- Enter your bot_client_server in the "Authorized JavaScript origins" and "Authorized redirect URIs" fields and click "Create"
- Finally download and save your OAuth Client credentials, which will contain the following tokens that will you will be prompted for during configuration:
- Other environment variables you will have to enter during the configuration process:
- DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Choose a 16-character(minimum) string key to derive the crypto key from in order to encrypt and decrypt the user database of this bot. This must be specified, there is no default. NOTE: be careful not to change if reconfiguring the bot or else the user database won't be accessible.
- BOT_CLIENT_SERVER - The server address of the machine you are running your integration on(without the https://)
- BOT_CLIENT_SERVER - The port you assigned to the docker container when you ran it, for example if you ran it with this command:
docker run -v /opt/WickrIO:/opt/WickrIO -p 5001:4001 -d --restart=always -ti wickr/bot-cloud:latest
, then the port would be 4001.