Who are you? Tackle the thorny issue of identity association.
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Who are you? Tackle the thorny issue of identity association.
This module just tries to relate the following nouns.
- fingerprint: a hash that represents a single device.
- login. A single login, eg email, social, oauth, that has a bunch of device fingerprints. We will need to associate an login to a fingerprint at login.
- account. A user account. Might have multiple logins.
- person. A person has one or more user accounts and fingerprints.
- app an logical thing a Person uses, like the engine, redforms, or hometribe
- space like a realtors website. It is the partition of data in an app so data does not bleed between websites.
Relationships of the nouns
Person 1-* Account 1-* Login 1-* LoginFingerprint *-1 Fingerprint
The account object should have a AppSpaceID property on it. Like 'rwp_1232-engine'
The AccountFingerprint ID will be composed fingerprint/loginID/accountID/PersonID
as it is the main join.
npm install whoru
First of all, you need to fingerprint on the client device. Something like
// somewhere on the client
var Fingerprint2 = require('fingerprint2')
new Fingerprint2().get(function (fingerprint, components) {
console.log('your device fingerpring', fingerprint)
Back on the server you will add this fingerprint as soon as you can. Eg, you dont need login info
// whoru is backed by a pouchdb
var db = new PouchDB('whoru')
var whoru = require('whoru')(db)
// ##############################
// Add the fingerprint to the db
// back to where we have whoru
whoru.addFingerprint(fingerprint, deviceInfo)
whoru.addFingerprint(fingerprint, deviceInfo, function(err) {
// err if there was a problem adding the fingerprint
Now assume the person logins in. At this point we know a lot more about the person. You should inform whoaru with this info The details of all the params
- fingerprint which was obtained from before
- userLoginID. Some unique id from your login service. Could be a primary key from a DB or an ID from a OAUTH service.
- loginType. A string to indentify how the userLoginID is unique. EG, 'db', 'facebook', 'twitter'
- app. A string to identify the app they logged into, in a multi-app environment, Eg 'wiki', 'forum', 'chat'
- space. A logical grouping across apps. Useful if you host multiple websites with different branding. Eg 'coke', '7-up'
- details. Any additional data you want to store about the login
Here is an example of the call:
// ################################
// associate the fingerprint with the login and, eg after they login
whoru.addLogin(fingerprint, userloginID, loginType, app, space, details, function (err, person) {
Now sometime later, you want to see who an anonymous user is.
// lookup the Person from a fingerprint, given the least info you know
whoru.findPerson(fingerprint, app, space, function (err, person) {
Or find any related details of a fingerprint
// object stream of all details of a fingerprint, will include login, account, and person details
whoru.findDetails(fingerprint).pipe(through2.obj(function(detail, enc, cb) {
console.log(detail.doc) //the actual doc one of
switch(detail.type) {
case 'login'
case 'account'
case 'person'
The end user can decided that two users are actually the same, and decide to merge them
whoaru.mergePerson(from_person_id, to_person_id, function(err)) {
## License