Who are the people making dwyl?
The answer to Who is (working on) dwyl?
The start-here > who section is woefully out of date.
(this was noted a while back... but sadly was not made a priorty at the time...)
This mini-project addresses dwyl/start-here/issues/9
A more attractive, interesting, informative, engaging, useful, dynamic ...
"people" page for http://www.dwyl.io/
There are two ways of discovering the list of people who are contributing to the dwyl mission:
1. dwyl Org's People Page on GitHub
Visit: https://github.com/orgs/dwyl/people and grab the list.
simple. effective. incomplete.
(read on to understand why this list only scratches the surface!)
2. List all Contributors to dwyl repos on GitHub
Read the Commit History for all the dwyl repos on GitHub!
Approach Taken
Lets start with 1 and proceed to 2 when we have time. (and invite people to add their own bios & links)
Each person in the people.json
file can have the following fields
fullname: 'Ines Teles',
avatar: 'https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4185328',
github: 'iteles',
twitter: 'iteles',
instagram: 'isnteles',
linkedin: 'https://uk.linkedin.com/in/iteles',
bio: 'Coorganiser @ladieswhocode LDN. Cheerleader @founderscoders. web-focused, productivity fan, paper lover, microfinance buff, proponent of smiles',
website: 'http://www.dwyl.io/ines',
loves: 'Origami, Outdoors, Singing, Wall Planners, Colors',
wantstoimprove: 'discipline, communication, '
Rough Sketch (idea)
Listing people by name is kinda boring.
There's significant evidence that seeing pictures
of people is way more engaging
so I sketched out a mobile-first view of a Who? section:
The people who contribute to dwyl expand on a daily basis (this makes us happy!!)
Scraping the https://github.com/orgs/dwyl/people page will only give us the people who have made their Org membership public.
At the time of writing this, that is 25 people fewer than 40% of contributors. (there are many out-standing invitations - thanks GitHub notifications! - and most people don't realise that they have to manually make their membership public...)
GitHub Scraper Profile Fields
Using github-scraper we can fetch the list of people who have made their membership of dwyl public.
With this list we can fetch the list of people and get their basic profile details:
url: 'https://github.com/anniva',
followercount: 20,
starred: 11,
followingcount: 22,
worksfor: 'London, UK',
location: 'London, UK',
fullname: 'Anni Väänänen',
email: '',
website: '',
joined: '2015-02-08T08:33:23Z',
avatar: 'https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/10906215?v=3&s=460',
contribs: 360,
longest: 6,
current: 0,
lastupdated: 1440999448299,
[ '/foundersandcoders https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/9970257?v=3&s=84',
'/docdis https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/10836426?v=3&s=84',
'/dwyl https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/11708465?v=3&s=84',
'/plastic-cup https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/12393451?v=3&s=84',
'/jmnr https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/12494544?v=3&s=84',
'/AnalogFolk https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/12859046?v=3&s=84',
'/ConsHack https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/12977314?v=3&s=84',
'/Prolifiko https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/13519340?v=3&s=84',
'/node-girls https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/13981928?v=3&s=84' ] }
Combining Many Profiles into a single people.json
- Hilarious/insightful explanation of when to use Who vs. Whom: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/who_vs_whom