for when while loops aren't verbose enoughs
What is while2
While2 is while statements, but different syntax. Also it includes a built-in index value.
const w2 = require('./lib/while2')
new w2(true)
.do((i, breakLoop) => {
if (i > 3) breakLoop() // prints 0, 1, 2, 3 then stops
npm install while2
const w2 = require('while2')
To use while2, first import the module. It is recommended to call it "w2".
const w2 = require('while2')
For every while2 statement, you will create a new instance of w2, as it is a class, and pass a condition, and for everything that you want to run while the condition is true, put .do() and then pass in a function in the parentheses. Always type .end() at the end to run the while loop in the background.
const w2 = require('while2')
new w2(true)
.do(() => {
// anything here will run again and again forever
.end() // this line makes sure that the while loop is ran in the background. if you don't include this nothing will happen
Features: Builtin Index
While2 includes an i parameter that will automatically increment every time the do function is run.
const w2 = require('while2')
new w2(true)
.do(i => {
console.log(i) /* will print 1 2 3 4 5 6 7... */
Features: BreakLoop Function
While2 includes a breakLoop parameter function so that you can break your while loop.
const w2 = require('./lib/while2')
new w2(true)
.do((i, breakLoop) => {
if (i > 3) breakLoop() // prints 0, 1, 2, 3 then stops