Simple and powerful classical inheritance for JavaScript. Fully compatible with CommonJS / Node, AMD and standard browser script tag include
Wheels Class
Simple and powerful classical inheritance for JavaScript. Super lightweight, with no dependencies and fully compatible with CommonJS / npm, AMD and standard browser script tag include.
can be installed with CommonJS / npm, AMD or standard browser script tag:
npm install wheels-class
AMD / RequireJS
require(["wheels-class"], function( Class ) {
var MyClass = new Class();
Traditional browser script tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/wheels-class.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var MyClass = new Wheels.Class();
Class definition
Pass an object literal to the constructor to create a class and add the object's properties to the class prototype
var Foo = new Class({
greet: function() {
return "Hello :)";
var foo = new Foo();
foo.greet(); // => "Hello :)"
Alternatively, you can pass a function to the constructor, and it will be executed in the scope of the class. That means that, whithin the function, this
is the class itself. Also, the function will receive the prototype
property of the class as the first argument:
var Foo = new Class(function( proto ) {
this.classMethod = function() {
return "I am a class method";
proto.instanceMethod = function() {
return "Hello :)";
var foo = new Foo();
Foo.classMethod(); // => "I am a class method"
foo.instanceMethod(); // => "Hello :)"
Class inheritance
The subclass
method creates a subclass and accepts the same arguments as the constructor:
var Animal = new Class({
eat: function() {
return "Yum :)";
var Cat = Animal.subclass({
meow: function() {
return "Meow!";
var nyan = new Cat();
nyan.eat(); // => "Yum :)"
nyan.meow(); // => "Meow!"
// The subclass also stores a reference to the superclass
Cat._superclass === Animal // => true
// And the instance stores a reference to the parent prototype
nyan._parent === Animal.prototype // => true
Include and augment
The include
method accepts an object and copies its properties to the class' prototype
var Duck = new Class();
quack: function() {
return "Quack!";
var donald = new Duck();
donald.quack(); // => "Quack!"
The augment
method accepts an object and copies its properties to the class:
var Foo = new Class();
classMethod: function() {
return "I am a class method!";
Foo.classMethod(); // => "I am a class method!"