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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




WGSL Parser and Reflection library




WebGPU Shading Language Reflection Library

A WebGPU Shading Language parser and reflection library for Typescript and Javascript.

wgsl_reflect can parse a WGSL shader and analyze its contents, providing information about the shader. It can determine the bind group layout of the shader, resource bindings, uniform buffers, the members of a uniform buffer, their names, types, sizes, offsets into the buffer.


From NPM

npm install wgsl_reflect

The wgsl_reflect.module.js file is a self-contained roll-up of the library that can be included in your project and imported with:

import { WgslReflect } from "wgsl_reflect/wgsl_reflect.module.js";
const reflect = new WgslReflect(shader_code);


WGSL Reflect Example


class WgslReflect {
  /// All top-level uniform vars in the shader.
  uniforms: Array<VariableInfo>;
  /// All top-level storage vars in the shader, including storage buffers and textures.
  storage: Array<VariableInfo>;
  /// All top-level texture vars in the shader;
  textures: Array<VariableInfo>;
  // All top-level sampler vars in the shader.
  samplers: Array<VariableInfo>;
  /// All top-level type aliases in the shader.
  aliases: Array<AliasInfo>;
  /// All top-level overrides in the shader.
  overrides: Array<OverrideInfo> = [];
  /// All top-level structs in the shader.
  structs: Array<StructInfo>;
  /// All entry functions in the shader: vertex, fragment, and/or compute.
  entry: EntryFunctions;
  /// All functions in the shader, including entry functions.
  functions: Array<FunctionInfo>;

  // Find a resource by its group and binding.
  findResource(group: number, binding: number): VariableInfo | null;

  // Get the bind groups used by the shader, bindGroups[group][binding].
  getBindGroups(): Array<Array<VariableInfo>>;

enum ResourceType {

class VariableInfo {
  name: string; // The name of the variable
  type: TypeInfo; // The type of the variable
  group: number; // The binding group of the variable
  binding: number; // The binding index of the variable
  resourceType: ResourceType; // The resource type of the variable
  access: string; // "", read, write, read_write

  get isArray(): boolean; // True if it's an array type
  get isStruct(): boolean;  // True if it's a struct type
  get isTemplate(): boolean; // True if it's a template type
  get size(): number; // Size of the data, in bytes
  get align(): number; // The alignment size if it's a struct, otherwise 0
  get members(): Array<MemberInfo> | null; // The list of members if it's a struct, otherwise null
  get format(): TypeInfo | null; // The format if it's a template or array, otherwise null
  get count(): number; // The array size if it's an array, otherwise 0
  get stride(): number; // The array stride if it's an array, otherwise 0

class TypeInfo {
  name: string;
  size: number; // Size of the data, in bytes

  get isArray(): boolean;
  get isStruct(): boolean;
  get isTemplate(): boolean;

class StructInfo extends TypeInfo {
  members: Array<MemberInfo>;
  align: number;
  startLine: number;
  endLine: number;
  inUse: boolean; // true if the struct is used by a uniform, storage, or directly or indirectly by an entry function.

class ArrayInfo extends TypeInfo {
  format: TypeInfo;
  count: number;
  stride: number;

class TemplateInfo extends TypeInfo {
  format: TypeInfo;
  access: string; // "", read, write, read_write

class MemberInfo {
  name: string;
  type: TypeInfo;
  offset: number;
  size: number;

  get isArray(): boolean;
  get isStruct(): boolean;
  get isTemplate(): boolean;
  get align(): number;
  get members(): Array<MemberInfo> | null;
  get format(): TypeInfo | null;
  get count(): number;
  get stride(): number;

class AliasInfo {
  name: string;
  type: TypeInfo;

class EntryFunctions {
  vertex: Array<FunctionInfo>;
  fragment: Array<FunctionInfo>;
  compute: Array<FunctionInfo>;

class FunctionInfo {
  name: string;
  stage: string | null;
  inputs: Array<InputInfo>;
  outputs: Array<OutputInfo>;
  arguments: Array<ArgumentInfo>;
  returnType: TypeInfo | null;
  resources: Array<VariableInfo>;
  startLine: number;
  endLine: number;
  inUse: boolean;  // true if called directly or indirectly by an entry function.
  calls: Set<FunctionInfo>; // All custom functions called directly by this function.

class InputInfo {
  name: string;
  type: TypeInfo | null;
  locationType: string;
  location: number | string;
  interpolation: string | null;

class OutputInfo {
  name: string;
  type: TypeInfo | null;
  locationType: string;
  location: number | string;

class OverrideInfo {
  name: string;
  type: TypeInfo | null;
  id: number;

class ArgumentInfo {
  name: string;
  type: TypeInfo;


Calculate the bind group information in the shader:

import { WgslReflect } from "./wgsl_reflect.module.js";

const shader = `
struct ViewUniforms {
    viewProjection: mat4x4<f32>

struct ModelUniforms {
    model: mat4x4<f32>,
    color: vec4<f32>,
    intensity: f32

@binding(0) @group(0) var<uniform> viewUniforms: ViewUniforms;
@binding(1) @group(0) var<uniform> modelUniforms: ModelUniforms;
@binding(2) @group(0) var u_sampler: sampler;
@binding(3) @group(0) var u_texture: texture_2d<f32>;

struct VertexInput {
    @location(0) a_position: vec3<f32>,
    @location(1) a_normal: vec3<f32>,
    @location(2) a_color: vec4<f32>,
    @location(3) a_uv: vec2<f32>

struct VertexOutput {
    @builtin(position) Position: vec4<f32>,
    @location(0) v_position: vec4<f32>,
    @location(1) v_normal: vec3<f32>,
    @location(2) v_color: vec4<f32>,
    @location(3) v_uv: vec2<f32>

fn main(input: VertexInput) -> VertexOutput {
    var output: VertexOutput;
    output.Position = viewUniforms.viewProjection * modelUniforms.model * vec4<f32>(input.a_position, 1.0);
    output.v_position = output.Position;
    output.v_normal = input.a_normal;
    output.v_color = input.a_color * modelUniforms.color * modelUniforms.intensity;
    output.v_uv = input.a_uv;
    return output;

const reflect = new WgslReflect(shader);

console.log(reflect.functions.length); // 1
console.log(reflect.structs.length); // 4
console.log(reflect.uniforms.length); // 2

// Shader entry points
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex.length); // 1, there is 1 vertex entry function.
console.log(reflect.entry.fragment.length); // 0, there are no fragment entry functions.
console.log(reflect.entry.compute.length); // 0, there are no compute entry functions.

console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].name); // "main", the name of the vertex entry function.

console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].resources.length); // 2, main uses modelUniforms and viewUniforms resource bindings.
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].resources[0].name); // viewUniforms
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].resources[1].name); // modelUniforms

// Vertex shader inputs
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].inputs.length); // 4, inputs to "main"
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].inputs[0].name); // "a_position"
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].inputs[0].location); // 0
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].inputs[0].locationType); // "location" (can be "builtin")
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].inputs[0]; // "vec3"
console.log(reflect.entry.vertex[0].inputs[0]; // "f32"

// Gather the bind groups used by the shader.
const groups = reflect.getBindGroups();
console.log(groups.length); // 1
console.log(groups[0].length); // 4, bindings in group(0)

console.log(groups[0][1].resourceType); // ResourceType.Uniform, the type of resource at group(0) binding(1)
console.log(groups[0][1].size); // 96, the size of the uniform buffer.
console.log(groups[0][1].members.length); // 3, members in ModelUniforms.
console.log(groups[0][1].members[0].name); // "model", the name of the first member in the uniform buffer.
console.log(groups[0][1].members[0].offset); // 0, the offset of 'model' in the uniform buffer.
console.log(groups[0][1].members[0].size); // 64, the size of 'model'.
console.log(groups[0][1].members[0]; // "mat4x4", the type of 'model'.
console.log(groups[0][1].members[0]; // "f32", the format of the mat4x4.

console.log(groups[0][2].resourceType); // ResourceType.Sampler

console.log(groups[0][3].resourceType); // ResourceType.Texture
console.log(groups[0][3]; // "texture_2d"
console.log(groups[0][3]; // "f32"

Calculate the member information for a uniform buffer block:

import { WgslReflect } from "./wgsl_reflect.module.js";

// WgslReflect can calculate the size and offset for members of a uniform buffer block.

const shader = `
struct A {                                     //             align(8)  size(32)
    u: f32,                                    // offset(0)   align(4)  size(4)
    v: f32,                                    // offset(4)   align(4)  size(4)
    w: vec2<f32>,                              // offset(8)   align(8)  size(8)
    @size(16) x: f32                          // offset(16)  align(4)  size(16)

struct B {                                     //             align(16) size(208)
    a: vec2<f32>,                              // offset(0)   align(8)  size(8)
    // -- implicit member alignment padding -- // offset(8)             size(8)
    b: vec3<f32>,                              // offset(16)  align(16) size(12)
    c: f32,                                    // offset(28)  align(4)  size(4)
    d: f32,                                    // offset(32)  align(4)  size(4)
    // -- implicit member alignment padding -- // offset(36)            size(12)
    @align(16) e: A,                           // offset(48)  align(16) size(32)
    f: vec3<f32>,                              // offset(80)  align(16) size(12)
    // -- implicit member alignment padding -- // offset(92)            size(4)
    g: @stride(32) array<A, 3>,                // offset(96)  align(8)  size(96)
    h: i32,                                    // offset(192) align(4)  size(4)
    // -- implicit struct size padding --      // offset(196)           size(12)

@group(0) @binding(0)
var<uniform> uniform_buffer: B;`;

const reflect = new WgslReflect(shader);

const u = reflect.uniforms[0];
console.log(u.size); // 208, the size of the uniform buffer in bytes
console.log(; // 0
console.log(u.binding); // 0
console.log(u.members.length); // 8, members in B
console.log(u.members[0].name); // "a"
console.log(u.members[0].offset); // 0, the offset of 'a' in the buffer
console.log(u.members[0].size); // 8, the size of 'a' in bytes
console.log(u.members[0]; // "vec2", the type of 'a'
console.log(u.members[0]; // "f32", the format of the vec2.

console.log(u.members[4].name); // "e"
console.log(u.members[4].offset); // 48, the offset of 'e' in the buffer
console.log(u.members[4].size); // 32, the size of 'e' in the buffer