Collection of tools to use git programmatically.
Collection of tools to use git programmatically.
Try out from the repository
git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wGitTools
cd wGitTools
will .npm.install
node sample/trivial/Sample.s
Make sure you have utility willbe
installed. To install willbe: npm i -g willbe@stable
. Willbe is required to build of the module.
To add to your project
npm add 'wgittools@stable'
is not required to use the module in your project as submodule.
Status for repository
Clone any repository. For example wTools.
Write script Script.s
in the root of cloned repository :
const _ = require( 'wgittools' );
let status = _.git.status
localPath : __dirname,
detailing : 1,
explaining : 1
console.log( status );
/* log :
[Object: null prototype] {
uncommitted: 'List of uncommited changes in files:\n ?? script.s\n M package.json',
unpushed: false,
uncommittedUntracked: '?? Script.s',
uncommittedAdded: false,
uncommittedChanged: 'M package.json',
uncommittedDeleted: false,
uncommittedRenamed: false,
uncommittedCopied: false,
uncommittedIgnored: null,
uncommittedUnstaged: false,
conflicts: false,
unpushedCommits: false,
unpushedTags: false,
unpushedBranches: false,
status: 'List of uncommited changes in files:\n ?? script.s\n M package.json',
remoteCommits: false,
remoteBranches: null,
remoteTags: false,
local: 'List of uncommited changes in files:\n ?? script.s\n M package.json',
remote: false
Install dependency wgittools
by command npm i wgittools
and then run command node Script.s
Compare the output with the log above.
The status contains many information about local and remote repository including conflicts between files and unpulled changes.
The current log shows that in root directory added file Script.s
( uncommittedUntracked: '?? Script.s'
), and file package.json
was modified.
Init an empty repository
Create an empty directory and add file Script.s
with next content ( replace USER
with your Github username and Github acces token respectively ):
const _ = require( 'wgittools' );
remotePath : 'https://github.com/USER/Test-repo.git',
localPath : _.path.join( __dirname, 'Test-repo' ),
description : 'Test repository',
token : TOKEN,
Run command npm i wgittools
and then run script by command node Script.s
Check current directory, script will create local git repository in directory Test-repo
. Run next commands :
cd Test-repo
git remote -v
Output should looks like :
origin https://github.com/USER/Test-repo.git (fetch)
origin https://github.com/USER/Test-repo.git (push)
Also, check your Github repositories. The new repository Test-repo
should exist.