React reusable components
These are the most relevant technologies that this boilerplate includes.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- TypeScript: Written in TypeScript language.
- SASS: Some good Sass practices to create the Styles.
- Autoprefixer: Automatically add vendor prefixes to these Styles.
- Webpack: Automation of tasks and compilation of the project.
- Babel: Transpiler to different versions of EcmaScript.
- Browserlist: To configure which browsers will support.
- Jest: Framework for testing.
- ESLint: Linting for Scripts.
- StyleLint: Linting for Styles.
- Prettier: Formatter for Scripts and Styles.
- EditorConfig: Formatter for files in general.
- Husky: Used for attaching to git hooks and run scripts.
- Inversify: You can optionally configure Dependency Injection.
Setup and scripts
Install all the dependencies.
$ yarn
Run the project for local development.
$ yarn start
Build the project for a production environment.
$ yarn build
Test your code.
$ yarn test
The linting is configured with husky and will run before commit, but you can run it.
$ yarn lint # (Will run scripts and styles linting with autofix)
$ yarn lint:scripts # (Will run ESLint)
$ yarn lint:styles # (Will run Stylelint)
$ yarn lint:editor # (Will run ECLint)
Run this command if you get this error
$ Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached
$ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
If you are adding new components make sure add story book for the component including testcases. Follow below link on how to add storybook
For best code practices follow this article by Airbnb <Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide>