Service worker for tile cache
Weiwudi (TileCacheServiceWorker)
Service worker for tile cache
How to use
Service worker side
Call this js with workbox in your service worker.
importScripts("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/src/weiwudi_sw.js");
Front logic side
import Weiwudi from 'weiwudi';
try {
// Register service worker
await Weiwudi.registerSW('./sw.js', {scope: './'});
// Register map setting to service worker
// XYZ map case
const map1 = await Weiwudi.registerMap('xyz_map', {
type: 'xyz',
width: 10000,
height: 6000,
url: 'http://example.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg'
// WMTS map case
const map2 = await Weiwudi.registerMap('wmts_map', {
type: 'wmts',
minLat: 35.0,
maxLat: 35.1,
minLng: 135.0,
maxLng: 135.1,
minZoom: 17,
maxZoom: 18,
url: 'https://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
// Get url template of cached map
const map1_url = map1.url;
const map2_url = map2.url;
// If map API access to map tile by using above url template,
// Tile images are automatically cached in indexedDB.
// Get current caching status
const status = await map1.stats();
// Fetch all tiles
map2.addEventListener('proceed', (e) => {
// Write some codes for handling event of proceeding to fetch tiles
map2.addEventListener('finish', (e) => {
// Write some codes for handling event of finishing to fetch tiles
map2.addEventListener('stop', (e) => {
// Write some codes for handling event of stopping to fetch tiles by some errors
// Start fetching
await map2.fetchAll();
// Clean all cached tile images
await map2.clean();
// Remove registered map setting
await map2.remove();
} catch(e) {
// For error cases (E.g. browser doesn't support service worker)