WebTorrent, the streaming torrent client. For the command line.
WebTorrent is the first BitTorrent client that works in the browser, but webtorrent-cli
i.e. THIS PACKAGE, is for using WebTorrent from the command line.
is a simple torrent client for use in node.js, as a command line app. It
uses TCP, UDP and WebRTC to talk to other torrent clients.
To use WebTorrent in the browser, see webtorrent
- Use WebTorrent from the command line!
- Insanely fast
- Streaming
- Stream to AirPlay, Chromecast, VLC player, IINA, and many other devices/players
- Fetches pieces from the network on-demand so seeking is supported (even before torrent is finished)
- Seamlessly switches between sequential and rarest-first piece selection strategy
- Supports advanced torrent client features
- magnet uri support via ut_metadata
- peer discovery via dht, tracker, and ut_pex
- protocol extension api for adding new extensions
- Check all the supported BEPs here
To install a webtorrent
command line program, run:
npm install webtorrent-cli -g
$ webtorrent --help
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webtorrent [command] <torrent-id> [options]
webtorrent download "magnet:..." --vlc
webtorrent "magnet:..." --vlc --player-args="--video-on-top --repeat"
Default output location:
* when streaming: Temp folder
* when downloading: Current directory
Specify <torrent-id> as one of:
* magnet uri
* http url to .torrent file
* filesystem path to .torrent file
* info hash (hex string)
webtorrent download [torrent-ids...] Download a torrent [default]
webtorrent downloadmeta <torrent-ids...> Download metadata of torrent
webtorrent seed <inputs...> Seed a file or a folder
webtorrent create <input> Create a .torrent file
webtorrent info <torrent-id> Show torrent information
webtorrent version Show version information
webtorrent help Show help information
Options (streaming):
--airplay Apple TV [boolean]
--chromecast Google Chromecast [default: all]
--dlna DLNA [boolean]
--mplayer MPlayer [boolean]
--mpv MPV [boolean]
--omx OMX [default: hdmi]
--vlc VLC [boolean]
--iina IINA [boolean]
--smplayer SMPlayer [boolean]
--xbmc XBMC [boolean]
--stdout Standard out (implies --quiet) [boolean]
Options (simple):
-o, --out Set download destination [string]
-s, --select Select specific file in torrent [default: List files]
-i, --interactive-select Interactively select specific file in torrent [boolean]
-t, --subtitles Load subtitles file [string]
-h, --help Show help information [boolean]
-v, --version Show version information [boolean]
Options (advanced)
-p, --port Change the http server port [number] [default: 8000]
-b, --blocklist Load blocklist file/url [string]
-a, --announce Tracker URL to announce to [string]
-q, --quiet Don't show UI on stdout [boolean]
-d, --download-limit Maximum download speed in kb/s [number] [default: unlimited]
-u, --upload-limit Maximum upload speed in kb/s [number] [default: unlimited]
--pip Enter Picture-in-Picture if supported by the player [boolean]
--verbose Show torrent protocol details [boolean]
--playlist Open files in a playlist if supported by the player [boolean]
--player-args Add player specific arguments (see example) [string]
--torrent-port Change the torrent seeding port [number] [default: random]
--dht-port Change the dht port [number] [default: random]
--not-on-top Don't set "always on top" option in player [boolean]
--keep-seeding Don't quit when done downloading [boolean]
--no-quit Don't quit when player exits [boolean]
--on-done Run script after torrent download is done [string]
--on-exit Run script before program exit [string]
To download a torrent:
$ webtorrent magnet_uri
To stream a torrent to a device like AirPlay or Chromecast, just pass a flag:
$ webtorrent magnet_uri --airplay
In addition to magnet uris, webtorrent supports many ways to specify a torrent:
- magnet uri (string)
- torrent file (buffer)
- info hash (hex string or buffer)
- parsed torrent (from parse-torrent)
- http/https url to a torrent file (string)
- filesystem path to a torrent file (string)
MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh and WebTorrent, LLC.