websql-orm for typescript platform and angular cordova platform.
framework,support typescript
sqlite database.
use TypeScript
language, needs to be in before using tsconfig.json
add a decorator configuration items to enable the decorator features.
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true
npm install websql-orm@latest
Tip: do not install a version prior to 2.1.0. The version prior to 2.1.0 is the debug version and cannot be used.
cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage
Tip: In the cordova project, you need to install the cordova plugin.
import { EnvConfig } from 'websql-orm';
EnvConfig.useCordovaSqliteStorage = true;
Enable Debug log
import { EnvConfig } from 'websql-orm';
EnvConfig.enableDebugLog = true;
Other Config
import { EnvConfig } from 'websql-orm';
// 时间移除毫秒
EnvConfig.dateFormatRemoveMillisecond = true;
Define table
How do I define a table using an entity class?
import { database, column, ColumnType, Table } from 'websql-orm';
export class student extends Table {
@column(ColumnType.STRING | ColumnType.PRIMARY)
id: string;
user_name: string;
- Decorator
definition student table, the name of the class student is the name of the table,student_db
is the database name.- Decorator
definition column,ColumnType.STRING
define text type.- Each table must have a PRIMARY key field,
define the PRIMARY key field.- Each entity class must inherit
Decorator description
| Decorator name | Description | Sample | | -------------- | ----------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | @database | Define table | @database("db_name","table_name") | | @column | Define column | @column(ColumnType.STRING) | | @reference | Define foreign key references | @reference('class_info','id') |
Define foreign key reference see advanced section
Field type enumeration
Table field enumeration values are consistent with TypeScript primitive types.
| Field type enumeration | Description | | ---------------------- | ----------- | | ColumnType.PRIMARY | Primary key | | ColumnType.STRING | ColumnType.PRIMARY | Primary key (string) | | ColumnType.NUMBER | ColumnType.PRIMARY | integer PRIMARY KEY autoincrement | | ColumnType.BOOLEAN | boolean | | ColumnType.NUMBER | number | | ColumnType.STRING | string | | ColumnType.ARRAY | Array | | ColumnType.DATE | Date | | ColumnType.ANY | any |
How to use
Take the
table defined above as an example
Methods list
sqlite.fromSql Query the table record and return a list of records
var list = await sqlite.fromSql(new student(),
'select * from student where user_name=? and id=? ',
sqlite.fromSqlFirst Query the first table record and return the first record
var info = await sqlite.fromSqlFirst(new student(),
'select * from student where user_name=? ',
sqlite.exist Querying for the existence of a record returns true or false
var result = await sqlite.exist(new student(),'b4ce6b51-0bd6-46ee-a5c7-d1d5a93bdee9');
sqlite.insert Inserts a record, returning the number of rows affected
var stu = new student();
stu.id = uid;
stu.user_name = 'Tom';
var result = await sqlite.insert(stu);
sqlite.update Modify the record to return the number of rows affected
var info = await sqlite.fromSqlFirst(new student(),
'select * from student where user_name=? ',
info.user_name = 'Sam';
var result = await info.save(); // var result = await sqlite.update(info)
sqlite.query Query records and return a list of records
var list = await sqlite.query(new student(),{ user_name:'Tom'});
sqlite.queryFirst Query the first record
var info = await sqlite.queryFirst(new student(),{ user_name:'Tom'});
sqlite.execSql Execute the SQL statement and return the number of affected rows
var result = await sqlite.execSql(new student(),
'insert into (id,user_name) values (?,?)',
sqlite.delete Delete records
var delResult = await sqlite.delete(new student(),'291d853d-021b-4a66-9322-9d32eb27eb27');
sqlite.fromSqlByJs Query records (not tracking entities)
var data:any = await sqlite.fromSqlByJs(dbName,'select * from student where user_name=? ',['Tom']);
sqlite.fromSqlFirstByJs Query the first record (not track entity)
var data:any = await sqlite.fromSqlFirstByJs(dbName,'select * from student where user_name=? ',['Tom']);
Use websql-orm
in javascript
Javascript, with no decorator, currently provides only three methods.
var sqliteJs= new SqliteJs('db_name');
sqliteJs.fromSql("select * from hero where id = ?", [id]).then(function(result){
sqliteJs.fromSqlFirst("select * from hero where id = ?", [id]).then(function(result){
sqliteJs.execSql("insert into hero (id,name) values (?,?)", [id,name]).then(function(result){
if (result>0){
Define the reference
How do I define a foreign key reference?
export class hero extends Table {
@column(ColumnType.STRING | ColumnType.PRIMARY) id: string;
@column(ColumnType.STRING) full_name: string;
/* ... Omit other field definitions ... */
@reference('id', new skill(), 'hero_id') skills: Array<skill>;
The sample
Entities defined
export class hero extends Table {
@column(ColumnType.STRING | ColumnType.PRIMARY) id: string;
@column(ColumnType.STRING) full_name: string;
@column(ColumnType.NUMBER) age: number;
@column(ColumnType.BOOLEAN) is_girl: boolean;
@column(ColumnType.DATE) join_time: Date;
@column(ColumnType.ANY) body_data: { stature: number, blood_type: BloodTypeEnum };
@reference('id', new skill(), 'hero_id') skills: Array<skill>;
export class skill extends Table {
@column(ColumnType.STRING | ColumnType.PRIMARY) id: string;
@column(ColumnType.STRING) name: string;
@column(ColumnType.STRING) descript: string;
@column(ColumnType.NUMBER) harm: number;
@column(ColumnType.STRING) hero_id:string;
export enum BloodTypeEnum {
A = 1,
B = 2,
AB = 3,
O = 4,
The sample
import { skill } from './entities/skill';
import { hero } from './entities/hero';
import { sqlite } from "websql-orm";
import { BloodTypeEnum } from './entities/BloodTypeEnum';
export class Demo {
private lvbu_id = "da93faef-bfff-49c6-92b9-8807ec196bab";
private liubei_id = "ed609b25-166f-41de-9bbc-90eb8891b688";
private guanyu_id = "7289f8cb-496c-4057-b054-3bb4a3af1d6c";
constructor() {
var that = this;
setTimeout(async () => {
await that.addHero();
await that.queryHeros();
await that.queryHero(this.lvbu_id);
await that.updateHero(this.liubei_id);
await that.deleteHero(this.guanyu_id);
}, 0);
async addHero() {
await this.deleteHeros();
let lvbu = new hero();
lvbu.id = this.lvbu_id;
lvbu.age = 32;
lvbu.full_name = "吕布";
lvbu.is_girl = false;
lvbu.join_time = new Date("2000/01/01");
lvbu.body_data = { stature: 185, blood_type: BloodTypeEnum.A };
let liubei = new hero();
liubei.id = this.liubei_id;
liubei.age = 31;
liubei.full_name = "刘备";
liubei.is_girl = false;
liubei.join_time = new Date("2001/02/01");
liubei.body_data = { stature: 178, blood_type: BloodTypeEnum.B };
let guanyu = new hero();
guanyu.id = this.guanyu_id;
guanyu.age = 30;
guanyu.full_name = "关羽";
guanyu.is_girl = false;
guanyu.join_time = new Date("2001/02/01");
guanyu.body_data = { stature: 180, blood_type: BloodTypeEnum.AB };
await sqlite.save(lvbu);
await sqlite.save(liubei);
await sqlite.save(guanyu);
await this.addSkills();
async addSkills() {
let lvbu_skill = new skill();
lvbu_skill.id = this.uuid();
lvbu_skill.name = "方天画斩";
lvbu_skill.descript = "方天画斩是吕布第一伤害技能";
lvbu_skill.harm = 76;
lvbu_skill.hero_id = this.lvbu_id;
let liubei_skill = new skill();
liubei_skill.id = this.uuid();
liubei_skill.name = "以德服人";
liubei_skill.descript = "刘备清除身上的控制效果,并获得护盾,护盾存在期间刘备免疫控制";
liubei_skill.harm = 50;
liubei_skill.hero_id = this.liubei_id;
let guanyu_skill = new skill();
guanyu_skill.id = this.uuid();
guanyu_skill.name = "青龙偃月";
guanyu_skill.descript = "关羽这个英雄要持续不断的跑才能发挥本身的威力";
guanyu_skill.harm = 70;
guanyu_skill.hero_id = this.guanyu_id;
let result = await sqlite.insert([lvbu_skill, liubei_skill, guanyu_skill]);
if (result > 0) {
} else {
async deleteHero(id: string) {
let delResult = await sqlite.delete(new hero(), id);
if (!delResult) {
} else {
async deleteHeros() {
var success = true;
var heros = await sqlite.fromSql(new hero(), "select * from hero", []);
if (heros != null && heros.length > 0) {
for (let index = 0; index < heros.length; index++) {
const element = heros[index];
let delResult = await sqlite.delete(new hero(), element.id);
if (!delResult) {
success = false;
if (!success) {
} else {
async updateHero(id) {
var _hero = await sqlite.queryFirst(new hero(), { id: id });
_hero.join_time = new Date();
await _hero.save();
async queryHeros() {
var heros = await sqlite.fromSql(new hero(), "select * from hero", []);
async queryHero(id: string) {
var hero_ = await sqlite.fromSql(new hero(), "select * from hero where id = ?", [id]);
var _hero = await sqlite.query(new hero(), { id: id });
var __hero = await sqlite.queryFirst(new hero(), { id: id });
var ___hero = await sqlite.fromSqlFirst(new hero(), "select * from hero where id = ?", [id]);
public uuid(): string {
let s: any[] = [];
let hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef";
for (let i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1);
s[14] = "4";
s[19] = hexDigits.substr((s[19] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1);
s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = "-";
let uuid = s.join("");
return uuid;
new Demo();
Copyright (c) 2019, Sam Chen. (ISC License)