Packages any data type of data into binary for transmission over websocket protocol
WebsocketMessageObject is an API that enables you to package any type of data into a single (binary format) massage so that you can easily send it over websocket protocol. You simply create a wmo object and keep adding any data into it by calling the appropriate functions provided in the API, then finally call the 'Encode' function which converts everything into a stream of binary data that you can send to your back-end server using the 'websocket.send(theBinaryData)' function. You can add images, videos, documents, json data as well as plain text data.
Installation 1
Let's start with the front-end version, (npm package in javascript).
The Golang version will be explained after javascript. Please scroll down.
To use Websocket Message Object API, install it as a dependency:
# If you use npm:
$ npm install websocket-message-object
# Or if you use Yarn:
$ yarn add websocket-message-object
First, you need to import the module into your application as follows:
In a react app,
import {WebsocketMessageObject} from 'websocket-message-object';
Or if you are not using react;
const wmo = require("websocket-message-object");
Now that you have a wmo object created, you can add any data to it. Here is how to add an image file.
//NOTE: This assumes you alredy have a file object read from the DOM eg using FileReader
//If you want to add the file directly from the html file input field, use this method:
//check out the code for more functions the API offers
And now, if you're done with adding data, fire the function that does the encoding for you automatically like so:
List of functions available (API)
Adding data to encode
wmo.AddString("key","string you intend to add");
// eg wmo.AddString("name","Rodgers");
Decoding data received from server
let jsondata = wmo.DecodeJson(messageFromServer);
let mystr = wmo.DecodeString(messageFromServer, "key");
// eg, let myname = wmo.DecodeString("name"); => returns a name such as 'Rodgers'
let strMap = wmo.DecodeStringAll(messageFromServer);
//returns a map of key-vale pairs of strings.
let filesArray = wmo.DecodeFiles(messageFromServer);
let filesBytes = wmo.ReadFilesBytes(messageFromServer);
//returns all files data in plain binary format
'messageFromServer' MUST be a binary format message encoded using the server side version of wmo. This is currently available only in Go (Golang). I am still implementing wmo for other languages.
I welcome anyone who want to contribute to this project especially in other languages.
Installation 2
Now the go back-end.
This is how to import the Go package into your project.
Run this command:
$ go get "github.com/AtegyekaRodgers/WebsocketMessageObject"
Then import the package into your application
package main
import (
wmo "github.com/AtegyekaRodgers/WebsocketMessageObject"
func main(){