Comprehensive website validation
- .html
- valid html
- inline style => warning (potential CSP error)
- style tag => warning (potential CSP error)
- script tag with inline content => warning (potential CSP error)
- link:
- ids unique on the page
- link => target page exists (and is html) + fragment points to a valid place + fragment inside same page works
- (live url only) if content type is defined for the link => validate that response has that content type
- canonical url => canonical does not point to a redirect + target page has: no canonical or canonical === itself
- at most 1 canonical url per page
- external script/style: check if integrity present (otherwise the 3rd party can manipulate)
- json/ld script tags
- valid json format
- structure matches
- extract
- styles
- javascripts
- images (src + srcset) + picture
- videos (source, poster)
- og image (+video) tags (+twitter, fb)
- canonical url
- rss/atom feed links
- favicons (link[rel=icon])
- .js
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid js file
- .css
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid css file
- extract
- url(...)
- .xml
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid xml
- .json
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid json
- if a string is a URL then validate that too: internal + exists
- .jpg, .jpeg
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid jpeg
- .png
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid png
- .svg
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid xml
- valid svg
- extract: links
- .epub
- (live url only) validate response content type
- epub validator
- .pdf
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid pdf
- extract: links
- .zip
- (live url only) validate response content type
- valid zip
- robots.txt
- (live url only) validate response content type
- validate structure
- gptbot disallow missing => warning
- read sitemap(s) link
- validate that sitemap is internal
- host present => check if that's the same as in the argument
- sitemap
- check all links are internal
- text => all pages accessible
- xml => check structure + lastmod + all pages accessible
- rss.xml (link[type=application/rss+xml] exists from an html)
- (live url only) validate response content type
- validate rss structure
- validate timestamp formats
- validate links point to internal, valid pages
- atom.xml (link[type=application/atom+xml])
- (live url only) validate response content type
- validate atom structure
- validate timestamp formats
- validate links point to internal, valid pages
- follow redirects: meta[http-equiv=refresh] + status codes (if site)
- validate: redirect chain: redirect's target is not a redirect
live url only:
- (if https) check tls certificate validity
- (if https) check if certificate is trusted from root
- ipv6 accessible
- domain
- (optional) sitemap(s): url or contents
- will be checked
- directory or live URL
- (live url only) max depth
- errors
- (live url only) all files + response content types
- (configurable) screenshots for pages
- (configurable) lighthouse reports for pages
- link structure: what links to what
- rss stream(s)
- atom stream(s)
- sitemap(s) link
compare reports:
- any new errors
- new links in the sitemap(s)
- broken backlinks (+og:images + og:videos + inside json files)
- new rss item
- new atom item