Desktop application framework based on web technology.
Desktop application MVC framework
it offers the following features:
- Based on web technology. Built on top of Electron
- File system storage service with a REST API
- Web component support
- i18n support with i18next
- View template support with Handlebars
cd myproject
npm install websemble
Getting started
First let's create a view to display, the Index view.
mkdir -p frontend/component/view/Index
In the index folder create a Controller.js file and a View.html file. The content should be:
function IndexController( view, scope ){
this.super( view, scope );
module.exports = IndexController;
<template class="main">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
(function(window, document, undefined) {
require( "websemble" ).frontend.createComponent( 'view-index' );
})(window, document);
Next we will create the App component.
mkdir -p frontend/component/core/App
As with the view component, we have to create a Controller and a View file for the App.
function AppController( view, scope ){
this.super( view, scope );
module.exports = AppController;
The resoleveAppReady funtion call lets the other components know that the app has finished initializing. You may want to call this method after assets are loaded, for example.
<template class="main">
(function(window, document, undefined) {
require( "websemble" ).frontend.createComponent( 'core-app' );
})(window, document);
Next create the app.js file in the root with the following content:
var Websemble = require('websemble');
var app = new Websemble.backend.App();
Make sure that the value for the main attribute in the package.json configuration file is "app.js".
The last file we need to create is the index.html in the root.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="import" href="frontend/component/core/App/View.html" />
<link rel="import" href="frontend/component/view/Index/View.html" />
core-app {
You will need electron to run your application:
npm install electron-prebuilt
To run your application, just type:
./node_modules/.bin/electron .
Dig deeper
We have developed a very handy tool to generate boiler plate code for your websemble application. Checkout the Yeoman [websemble generator] (https://github.com/cybersettler/generator-websemble).
For information about the motivation and architecture behind websemble, have a look at the [project's wiki] (https://github.com/cybersettler/websemble/wiki).
To learn about making desktop applications with html5, head to the Electron website. This is the framework on top of which websemble is built.