Browser module to detect support for webrtc and extract proper constructors.
What is this?
A tiny browser module for detecting support for WebRTC and also for extracting the necessary constructors such as PeerConnection
, SessionDescription
, and IceCandidate
Suitable for use with browserify/CommonJS on the client.
This tiny module is used by SimpleWebRTC, but obviously can be used by itself.
npm install webrtcsupport
How to use it
Simply require it and it returns a simple object with support flags and useful support info and normalized constructors for various WebRTC related items.
var webrtcSupport = require('webrtcsupport');
// it returns an object with the following:
support: // boolean whether basic WebRTC support exists
browserVersion: // integer, browser version
supportRTCPeerConnection: // boolean whether basic support for RTCPeerConnection exists
supportVp8: // boolean guess whether VP8 is supported by the browser
supportGetUserMedia: // boolean whether getUserMedia is supported by the browser
supportDataChannel: // boolean whether WebRTC data channels are supported
supportWebAudio: // boolean whether WebAudio API is supported
supportMediaStream: // boolean whether MediaStream is supported
supportScreenSharing: // boolean guess of whether screensharing is supported,
prefix: // returns browser prefix (either moz or webkit for now)
AudioContext: // the audio context constructor from the web audio API
PeerConnection: // constructor for creating a peer connection
SessionDescription: // constructor for RTCSessionDescriptions
IceCandidate: // constructor for ice candidate
MediaStream: // constructor for MediaStreams
getUserMedia: // getUserMedia function
Created By
If you like this, follow: @HenrikJoreteg on twitter.