Webpack plugin to rename split chunks before emitting files
a webpack chunk that allows you to rename a chunk file name to be created, while keeping the chunkFilename option works in the compiled entries.
for example, we need a hash in the splitted chunks, like:
but when we configure chunkFilename in the output options, we also get a complied chunk file 1/main.bd6d67da6fa30bd880f8.js under dist/js/. This may generate many temporary files that we don't want. What we want is a fixed-name file like dist/js/1/main.js, and the rewrite rule should be handled by nginx or apache, etc.
this plugin check a new configuration option 'renameChunkFileName' in output. If chunkFilename and renameChunkFileName are both configured, the plugin hooks the emit procedure, find the chunks to be created as file, and rename them with 'renameChunkFileName' format.
First, import this plugin
var WebpackRenameChunkPlugin = require('webpack-renamechunk-plugin');
Second, configure renameChunkFileName
For webpack v1
You can add renameChunkFileName
property to output configuration section:
output: {
// Where to build results
path: __dirname + '/static/dist/js/',
// compile file path, for chunks
publicPath: '/static/dist/js/',
// chunk file name to be required in entry files
chunkFilename: 'console/[id]/main.[hash].js',
// chunk file name to be created actually
renameChunkFileName: 'console/[id]/main.js'
At last, we add it in plugin list
plugins: [
new WebpackRenameChunkPlugin()
For webpack v2+
Since webpack v2+ no more support custom property in output
configuration, you should pass options
to plugin instance
plugins: [
new WebpackRenameChunkPlugin({
renameChunkFileName: 'console/[id]/main.js'