a mutipage webpack template config
Quick Start
npm i && npm run dev
- Traverse entries, generate html, can introduce public html, such as header, footer.
- Generate a page containing all the build pages for easy overview and jump to the corresponding page.
- css sprite, which can put images that need to be integrated into a folder, and generate sprite images and scss style files for each directory. Implementation reference webpack-spritesmith。
- Code quality detection, introduces eslint, stylelint, uses git-hook to format the code before commit, guarantees the quality of the submitted code, and can also save the auto-formatted code with the editor plug-in (VSCode recommends using prettier).
- css autoprefix, the css attribute is automatically arranged in alphabetical order.
- webpack-analyzer visual code structure analysis for code file size optimization.
- Develop a webapck configuration file with nodemon. The configuration file is automatically executed when the configuration file changes, making it easy to modify the test configuration.
- Align the development model with the production environment by configuring routing
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack --config ./build/webpack.config.prod.js --progress --mode production",
"dev": "webpack-dev-server --config ./build/webpack.config.dev.js --mode development --progress --open",
//bunle analyzer
"chart": "webpack-bundle-analyzer ./temp/report.json",
//develop webpack dev config
"config:dev": "nodemon --watch ./build/*.js --exec \"npm run dev \"",
//develop webpack build config
"config:build": "nodemon --watch ./build/*.js --exec \"npm run build\"",
"eslint": "eslint --fix ./",
//style lint
"stylelint": "stylelint --fix \"./src/**/*.scss\" \"./src/**/*.css\""