Mocks api requests for webpack-dev-server with hot-replacement
Webpack Mock Server
ExpressJs Middleware for webpack-dev-server with built-in hot-replacement (HMR) and typescript compiler. Uses for mocking api responses
- Typescript support (>=v2.7): supports .js, .ts, .json files
- ES6 export/import support
- Hot replacement support
- Does not require proxy-path-pattern (because this is middleware that pipes routes to splitted server without proxy-path-pattern)
- Can be used without webpack (because this is expressjs middleware)
- Shows every configured response in user-friendly index.html (just click on mock-server-url in console after as mockServer is started)
Using npm (installing Typescript is required even if you don't use ts files):
npm i --save-dev webpack-mock-server typescript @types/express
Usage with defaults
// webpack.config.js - ver 5+
const webpackMockServer = require("webpack-mock-server");
module.exports = {
devServer: {
setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, devServer) => {
webpackMockServer.use(devServer.app, {
port: (devServer.options.port || 8080) + 1,
return middlewares;
// webpack.mock.ts - feel free to mock responses yourself
import webpackMockServer from "webpack-mock-server";
import nodePath from "path";
// app is express application
export default webpackMockServer.add((app, helper) => {
// you can find more about express here: https://expressjs.com/
app.get("/testGet", (_req, res) => {
res.json("JS get-object can be here. Random int:" + helper.getRandomInt());
app.post("/testPost", (_req, res) => {
res.json("JS post-object can be here");
// you can return any file easy. Example for json response from file:
app.get("/testResponseFromJsonFile", (_req, res) => {
res.sendFile(nodePath.join(__dirname, "./response.json"));
// multiple exports are supported
export const result = webpackMockServer.add((app, helper) => {
app.delete("/testDelete", (_req, res) => {
"JS delete-object can be here. Random int:" + helper.getRandomInt()
app.put("/testPut", (_req, res) => {
res.json("JS put-object can be here");
Usage with multiple/custom entries (instead of default webpack.mock.ts)
// webpack.config.js
const webpackMockServer = require("webpack-mock-server");
module.exports = {
devServer: {
setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, devServer) => {
webpackMockServer.use(devServer.app, { // MockServerOptions here
entry: [ // exact fileNames are expected (no wildcard or folder - use custom tsConfig instead)
before: (req, res, next) => { // you can use this for custom-logging instead of logResponses: true, logRequests: true
console.log(`Got request: ${req.method} ${req.url}`);
res.once("finish", () => {
console.log(`Sent response: ${req.method} ${req.url}`);
return middlewares;
// api/users.mock.ts
... // take the example for ts-file above
// api/goods.mock.js
export default webpackMockServer.add((app, helper) => {
app.get("/testGetGoods", (_req, res) => {
id: helper.getRandomInt(1, 999),
name: "pen"
Usage with multiple entries by pattern (wildcard)
// webpack.config.js
const webpackMockServer = require("webpack-mock-server");
// for webpack v5
module.exports = {
devServer: {
setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, devServer) => {
webpackMockServer.use(devServer.app, {
/* set an empty-array or null to [entry], so entry will be defined
from 'files' and 'includes' sections in [tsConfigFileName] */
entry: [],
tsConfigFileName: "mock/tsconfig.json" // use a different tsconfig-file that is contained entries
return middlewares;
// for webpack v4
module.exports = {
devServer: {
before: app =>
webpackMockServer.use(app, {
/* set an empty-array or null to [entry], so entry will be defined
from 'files' and 'includes' sections in [tsConfigFileName]
entry: [],
tsConfigFileName: "mock/tsconfig.json" // use a different tsconfig-file that is contained entries
// ./mock/tsconfig.json
* this is ordinary tsconfig file that overrides every option from [extends] - main tsconfig-file
"extends": "../tsconfig.json", // you can point the main tsconfig file or remove that property if it's not required
"include": [ // wildcard-pattern is supported
"files": [], // beside 'include' option you can point exact files here
"exclude": ["*test.mock.ts"] // note: exclude option can override 'include' and 'files' options
Usage without webpack
As Express middleware: http://expressjs.com/en/guide/using-middleware.html
// webpack.config.js
const webpackMockServer = require("webpack-mock-server");
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
webpackMockServer.use(app, {/*mockServerOptions*/})
// webpack.mock.ts - example you can find above
Usage with the whole default config
for webpack v5+
// webpack.config.js
const webpackMockServer = require("webpack-mock-server");
module.exports = {
devServer: {
setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, devServer) => { // it's different for webpack v4
webpackMockServer.use(devServer.app, {
port: (devServer.options.port || 8080) + 1, // app searches for free port (starts searching from pointed)
verbose: false, // send info via console.log
logRequests: false,
logResponses: false,
before: undefined, //can be used for logging
entry: ["webpack.mock.ts"],
tsConfigFileName: "tsconfig.json",
compilerOptions: { // typescript.CompilerOptions that override tsconfig.json:[compilerOptions]
strictNullChecks: false,
noImplicitAny: false,
noUnusedLocals: false,
noUnusedParameters: false,
skipLibCheck: true,
resolveJsonModule: true,
strictCompilerOptions: { // these options impossible to override
outDir: "" // used the following: {os.tmpdir()}/webpack-mock-server/{new Date().getTime()}
rootDir: process.cwd(),
noEmit: false,
noEmitHelpers: false,
esModuleInterop: true,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
declaration: false,
moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.Node10,
target: defineTarget() // it defines target-ES based on NODE version
return middlewares;
// webpack.mock.ts - example you can find above
for webpack v4
// webpack.config.js
const webpackMockServer = require("webpack-mock-server");
module.exports = {
devServer: {
before: app => // it's different for webpack v5
webpackMockServer.use(app, {
port: 8081, // app searches for free port (starts searching from pointed)
verbose: false, // send info via console.log
logRequests: false,
logResponses: false,
before: undefined, //can be used for logging
entry: ["webpack.mock.ts"],
tsConfigFileName: "tsconfig.json",
compilerOptions: { // typescript.CompilerOptions that override tsconfig.json:[compilerOptions]
strictNullChecks: false,
noImplicitAny: false,
noUnusedLocals: false,
noUnusedParameters: false,
skipLibCheck: true,
resolveJsonModule: true
strictCompilerOptions: { // these options impossible to override
outDir: "" // used the following: {os.tmpdir()}/webpack-mock-server/{new Date().getTime()}
rootDir: process.cwd(),
noEmit: false,
noEmitHelpers: false,
esModuleInterop: true,
module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
declaration: false,
moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.Node10,
target: defineTarget() // it defines target-ES based on NODE version
// webpack.mock.ts - example you can find above
Note: Every path-file-name in options has to be pointed relative to the currentWorkingDirectory (process.cwd() in NodeJs) or point an absolute path
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | entry | String, String[], null | ["webpack.mock.ts"] | Entry points for typescript-compiler (exact fileNames are expected). Set an empty array or null for using files, include and exlcude sections from tsConfigFileName. Otherwise these sections are ignored! | | port | Number | 8079 | App searches for free port (starts searching from pointed) | | verbose | Boolean | false | Show debug info in NodeJs via console.log | | logResponses | Boolean | false | Show responses-info in NodeJs via console.log | | logRequests | Boolean | false | Show request-info in NodeJs via console.log | | before | (req, res, next) => void | undefined | Execute custom middleware prior to all other middleware internally within the server Can be used for custom-logging. Example here | | compilerOptions | typescript.CompilerOptions | ... | See the latest example above | | strictCompilerOptions | typescript.CompilerOptions | ... | readOnly. See the latest example above. These options impossible to override | | tsConfigFileName | String | "tsconfig.json" | Pointer to typescript config file. Example here: |
MockServerHelper. Methods
- .getRandomInt(min = 0, max = 2147483648) ⇒
Number - returns random integer between min and max
- .getUniqueIdInt() ⇒
Number - returns unique integer
- It's important to install Typescript even if use only JS-files (webpack-mock-server uses ts-compiler for gathering ts,js,json files)
- Don't use NodeJs require operator as dynamic to relative path. Use dirname in this case or absolute path (dirname is changed during the compilation)
- NodeJs caches every required module (file), so you maybe interested in clearing cache for require(.json)*.
delete require.cache[require.resolve({yourPathName})]
before you callrequire({yourPathName})
; - Mockserver can't compile the TS-code.
Possible reason: you have some extra import OR missed some global files (like
). Solution: all mock-files must be without dependencies (imports) of components defined in the main-project files- If you have custom
file check if all required\*d.ts
files are included.. include: ["**/global.d.ts", ..] ..
- To check what's wrong check compilation trace
npx tsc --project tsconfig.mock.json --generateTrace traceDir
OR enable logging via optionverbose:true
- If you have custom
// Wrong
app.get("/testResponseFromJsonFile", (_req, res) => {
app.get("/testResponseFromJsonFile2", (_req, res) => {
// Correct
import nodePath from "path";
app.get("/testResponseFromJsonFile", (_req, res) => {
res.sendFile(nodePath.join(__dirname, "./response.json"));
app.get("/testResponseFromJsonFile2", (_req, res) => {
/* From NodeJs v8.9.0 you can use options: path
* const resolvedPath = require.resolve("./response.json", { paths: [__dirname] });
const resolvedPath = require.resolve(
nodePath.join(__dirname, "./response.json")
// removing NodeJS cache for getting the latest file
delete require.cache[resolvedPath];