Webpack middleware for koa with HMR support
For development purposes only!
Webpack middleware for koa
Wraps webpack-dev-middleware for use in koa. Adds hot module replacement (HMR).
Webpack is the webpack and it's module bundler. Koa is the next generation web framework for node.js.
npm install webpack-koa-middleware
Configure and attach middleware:
var middleware = require('webpack-koa-middleware');
var webpackCfg = require('webpack-cfg.js');
, where app
is koa instance.
Exemple of webpack-cfg.js
(look on devServer
module.exports = {
// Modules root directory
context: path.join(__dirname, './app'),
// Entry points for the build
entry: {
index: './index.js' // also used in devServer config below
// Where and how to expose build results
output: {
publicPath: '/', // Where bundles (build results) are served
// (not path, just prefix for requests)
filename: '[name].js',
chunkFilename: '[name].[chunkhash].js'
// Development server configuration
devServer: {
host: process.env.USER_IP || 'localhost',
port: 8090,
publicPath: '/', // Where webpack exposes bundles
// on its own in-memory file system
hot: true, // Switch on Hot Module Replacement
indexEntry: 'index', // Entry to add HNR code to (EntryChunk or CommonsChunk)
secure: true, // use https or http
stats: {
colors: true,
hash: false,
timings: false,
assets: true,
chunks: true,
chunkModules: true,
modules: false,
children: true
For an explanation of parameters see webpack documentation.
Explicit call
Middlewares executed in a stack-like manner upon request. Sometimes you need to explicitly retrieve data from webpack's virtual file system.
This middleware has function asset
which takes URL and returns promise
which is fulfilled with asset's content.
var middleware = require('webpack-koa-middleware');
var webpackCfg = require('webpack-cfg.js');
middleware = middleware(webpackCfg)
.then(function (content) {
console.log(content instanceof Buffer); // => true