Commands for building JS/TS/CSS/SCSS files.
Webpack Build Tool
This package is used to build Typescript, Javascript and CSS/SCSS files and bundle them using webpack. Uses https://swc.rs/docs/usage/swc-loader for js/ts files.
npm install webpack-build-tool -D
Create a webpack-build-tool-config.js
or webpack-build-tool-config.ts
in the same directory as the package.json
// webpack-build-tool-config.ts
import { Configuration } from 'webpack-build-tool'
const config: Configuration = {
entryFiles: {
'folder/main': './src/main.ts',
// outDir: 'dist', // to specify a different output directory
// manifest: true, // to generate a minifest.json file
// webpack: (config) => config, // to enhance/change webpack config
// browserslist: { // if you want to override the default browserlists
// production: ['>0.2%', 'not dead', 'not op_mini all', 'ie >= 11'],
// development: ['last 1 chrome version', 'last 1 firefox version', 'last 1 safari version']
// },
// jest: {
// testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/']
// },
// licenseChecker: {
// outputLicenceFile: true
// excludedLicences: []
// allowedLicences: ['Apache-2.0', 'BSD-2-Clause', 'BSD-3-Clause', 'MIT']
// ignoredPackages: []
// },
// jsLoader: 'swc' // 'swc' | 'babel'
export default config
// webpack-build-tool-config.js
/** @type { import('webpack-build-tool').Configuration } */
module.exports = {
entryFiles: {
'folder/main': './src/main.ts',
// outDir: 'dist', // to specify a different output directory
// manifest: true, // to generate a minifest.json file
// webpack: (config) => config, // to enhance/change webpack config
// browserslist: { // if you want to override the default browserlists
// production: ['>0.2%', 'not dead', 'not op_mini all', 'ie >= 11'],
// development: ['last 1 chrome version', 'last 1 firefox version', 'last 1 safari version']
// },
// jest: {
// testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/']
// },
// licenseChecker: {
// outputLicenceFile: true
// excludedLicences: []
// allowedLicences: ['Apache-2.0', 'BSD-2-Clause', 'BSD-3-Clause', 'MIT']
// ignoredPackages: []
// },
// jsLoader: 'swc', // 'swc' | 'babel'
// jsTestLoader: 'swc', // 'swc' | 'babel'
// importSource: 'react' // 'react' | 'preact'
Then update your package.json
and add the package and new scripts:
// package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-build-tool start",
"serve": "webpack-build-tool serve",
"build": "webpack-build-tool build",
"build-watch": "webpack-build-tool build --watch",
"build-with-analyze": "webpack-build-tool build --analyze",
"build-no-lint": "webpack-build-tool build --no-lint",
"lint": "webpack-build-tool lint",
"lint-with-fix": "webpack-build-tool lint --fix",
"test": "webpack-build-tool test",
"typecheck": "webpack-build-tool typecheck",
"browserslist": "webpack-build-tool browserslist"
Using --no-lint
will improve build time.
Using webpack-dev-server
When running the webpack-build-tool serve
command a webserver will be started at http://localhost:4000
and a file
in the root directory will be created. This file can be used to dynamically
load the files from the localhost server.
Using Typescript
Create tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "esnext",
"types": [
"target": "es2015",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"noEmit": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"noImplicitAny": true
Using SWC and React/Preact
Create .swcrc
"$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/swcrc",
"jsc": {
"parser": {
"syntax": "typescript",
"tsx": true,
"decorators": false,
"dynamicImport": true
"transform": {
"react": {
"runtime": "automatic",
"importSource": "react"
Building SASS/SCSS/CSS Files
No additional configuration needed, just add them to your entryFiles
// webpack-build-tool-config.js
/** @type { import('webpack-build-tool').Configuration } */
module.exports = {
// ...
entryFiles: {
'folder/main.min': './src/main.ts',
'folder/styles.min': './src/styles.scss',
Inline Import for Styles
If you need to import styles inline you may use the ?inline
query params on imports.
import styles from './styles.css?inline'
Using ESLint
Create the following files in the root of your project.
The following config includes eslint-config-wuif
which can be installed using npm i eslint-config-wuif -D
but you can also use your own eslint config.
// .eslintignore
// .eslintrc
"root": true,
"extends": [
"settings": {
"react": {
"version": "18"
Using Jest
Just create test files using following naming: ... .(spec|test).(ts|tsx|js|jsx)
// src/demo.spec.ts
import { testFunction } from './main'
describe('testFunction', () => {
test('should return value', async () => {
Using .env
You can create a .env
file in your project root and this can be used in any file
// .env
// src/index.ts
Using @testing-library/preact
// webpack-build-tool-config.js
/** @type { import('webpack-build-tool').Configuration } */
module.exports = {
// ...
jest: {
transformIgnorePatterns: ['<rootDir>/node_modules/(?!(preact|@testing-library)/)'],
Using jest in IDE
You need to add the following two files.
// jest.config.js
/** @type {import('@jest/types').Config.InitialOptions} */
const config = {
testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
transform: {
'^.+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx|mjs)$': ['@swc/jest'] // or ['babel-jest'] if using babel
moduleNameMapper: {
'\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$': 'webpack-build-tool/__mocks__/file-mock.js',
'\\.(css|sass|scss)$': 'webpack-build-tool/__mocks__/style-mock.js',
'\\.(css|sass|scss)\\?inline$': 'webpack-build-tool/__mocks__/inline-style-mock.js'
module.exports = config
Running Type Checks for Typescript Files without Building
If you want to run type checks but not build files you can use the webpack-build-tool typecheck
This is faster than doing so during build.
Using Babel instead of SWC
// webpack-build-tool-config.js
/** @type { import('webpack-build-tool').Configuration } */
module.exports = {
// ...
jsLoader: 'babel'
For your IDE you may need to add a .babelrc
// .babelrc
"presets": ["@babel/preset-react", "@babel/preset-typescript"]
Show Timings of Webpack and ESLint
If you want to inspect what slows down your webpack build you activate the
Speed Measure Webpack Plugin by adding
// package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-build-tool build --timings",
For ESLint timing you need to add TIMING=1
environment variable.