Adds one line in top of output file build with webpack (target single-spa) with name, version and time.
Adds one line in top of output file build with webpack (target single-spa) with name, version and time and file hash. (Only update / add if file hash has changed)
Very simple build-info plugin.
npm i webpack-add-simple-singlespa-buildinfo
var AddSimpleSingleSpaBuildInfo = require("webpack-add-simple-singlespa-buildinfo")
Webpack config:
plugins: [
new AddSimpleSingleSpaBuildInfo(/*{ override options if needed... }*/)
Options (default):
options = {
getPath: () => {
let caller = module.parent.filename
let dir = path.dirname(caller)
return dir
getPackageJson: () => {
let dir = this.options.getPath()
let packageJsonPath = path.join(dir, "package.json")
let packageJson = readFileSync(packageJsonPath, "utf8")
return JSON.parse(packageJson)
getName: (packageJson) => packageJson.name,
getVersion: (packageJson) => packageJson.version,
getTime: (packageJson) => new Date().toISOString(),
getFileName: (packageName) => packageName.replace(/@/, "").replace(/[\\\/]/g, "-"),
getFilePath: (packageFileName) => {
let dir = this.options.getPath()
return path.join(dir, "dist", `${packageFileName}.js`)
generateBuildInfo: ({ name, version, time, packageJson, base64Hash, content }) =>
postBuild: (compilation) => {
// Get the package.json file
const packageJson = this.options.getPackageJson()
// Get the name of the package
const name = this.options.getName(packageJson)
// Remove @ and '/' '\' (for organization packages)
const fileName = this.options.getFileName(name)
// Get the time of the build
const time = this.options.getTime(packageJson)
// Get the version of the package
const version = this.options.getVersion(packageJson)
// Format file name matching single-spa build : dist/org-name-project-name.js
const filePath = this.options.getFilePath(fileName)
// Create a hash of the file
const hashSum = crypto.createHash("sha256")
const base64Hash = hashSum.digest("base64")
// load the file
let content = readFileSync(filePath, "utf8")
// test if first line is build info and it it's hash is the same as the current hash
if (content.indexOf("//@build-info|") === 0 && content.indexOf(base64Hash) !== -1) {
// No update!
} else {
// remove the build info if it exists
if (content.indexOf("//@build-info|") === 0) {
content = content.replace(/\/\/@build-info\|.*\n/, "")
// Generate the build info and add to top of file
content = this.options.generateBuildInfo({ name, version, time, packageJson, base64Hash, content }) + content
// Write the file
writeFileSync(filePath, content)
The postBuild options is the entire plugin!
This is just a simple hook into post build, to add build info to the output file.