WebMonetization API Helper for NodeJS
WebMonetization NodeJS Helper
NodeJS Helper for implementing WebMonetization Specification (https://webmonetization.org/)
Use the library
To consume this library, you must execute npm install and
Install and use
npm install --save webmonetization-helper
And then:
const webMon = require('webmonetization-helper');
import webMon from 'webmonetization-helper';
First, you must call the "initialize" method with DOM (document from page):
This example uses jsdom library for getting DOM
var jsdom = require('jsdom');
var JSDOM = jsdom.JSDOM;
exports.document = function() {
const window = new JSDOM('').window;
return window.document;
var documento = exports.document();
Checking availability
Checking if WebMonetization is enabled in web browser and its status
For checking if enabled, isBrowserEnabled() function returns a boolean value (true if enabled, false if not):
var enabled = webMon.isBrowserEnabled();
For checking status, getMonetizationState() function returns a string value with status. It returns "Not enabled in this browser" if browser is not enabled:
var statusText = webMon.getMonetizationState();
For starting WebMonetization Generic Helper, you can register HTML classes for your exclusive content for WebMonetization users. For example, here is a HTML content:
<div class="exclusive hidden"> Here is an exclusive text WebMonetization users. Hidden for other users.</div>
Register exclusive content (this step is optional)
For registering, you must use the registerMonetizedContent() method. This function accepts 2 parameters, "classContent" is the class name for exclusive and "classHidden" is the class name for hidden content when you start and stop WebMonetization.
var classContent = "exclusive";
var classHidden = "hidden";
webMon.registerMonetizedContent(classContent, classHidden);
For starting, you must use the start() method. This method creates the meta tag for monetization with the wallet's payment pointer specified as parameter. Also, you can specify a callback method after starting is done.
export.printConsole = function() {
console.log("WebMonetization is started");
var pointer = "$wallet.example.com/alice";
webMon.start(pointer, printConsole);
You are ready, your website is already monetizing the content.
Checking states
When you need to check states, in addition to the getMonetizationState() function, you can use the following available functions:
- isPendingState(): For checking if WebMonetization is in pending state. Returns a boolean value.
- isStartedState(): For checking if WebMonetization is in started state. Returns a boolean value.
- isStoppedState(): For checking if WebMonetization is in stopped state. Returns a boolean value.
- isUndefinedState(): For checking if WebMonetization is in undefined state (when WebMonetization is not enabled in the web browser). Returns a boolean value.
For example:
var isStopped = webMon.isStoppedState();
if(isStopped) {
console.log("WebMonetization is stopped and can not be used.");
Register new values
Change pointer
Sometimes you will need to change the pointer (wallet's payment pointer for content). To do this, you can use the changePointer method. This method receive 1 required and 2 optional parameters.
- pointer: This required parameter specifies the new pointer address for monetization.
- createIfNotExist: This optional parameter (false by default) specifies if meta tag for monetization must be created if not exists (call to start() method).
- callbackFunction: This optional parameter, you can use for calling another function after change the pointer.
var newpointer = "$wallet.example.com/nestor";
Sometimes you need to register functions to listen for certain events when using WebMonetization. To do this, you can use:
- registerStartListener(listenerFunction): It executes when WebMonetization is in started state.
- registerProgressListener(listenerFunction): It executes when WebMonetization is in progress state.
- registerStopListener(listenerFunction): It executes when WebMonetization is in stopped state.
- registerPendingListener(listenerFunction): It executes when WebMonetization is in pending state.
- executeOnUndefined(listenerFunction): It executes when WebMonetization is undefined in the web browser.
listenerFunction: It is the function for executing.
For example:
export.printPendingState = function() {
console.log("WebMonetization is in pending state.");
If you have iFrames in your page, and you need to enable and disable WebMonetization for those contents, you can use these methods:
- enableMonetizationOniFrame(iframeId): With this method, you can enable WebMonetization for an iFrame with the specified Id as parameter.
var iFrameId = "myfirstIFrame";
- disableMonetizationOniFrame(iframeId): With this method, you can disable WebMonetization for an iFrame with the specified Id as parameter.
var iFrameId = "myfirstIFrame";
Pages inside the iFrames must have "monetization" meta tag for using WebMonetization
Get values
If you need to get some values, you can use the next methods:
- getTotalAmountFromCurrentUser(): Obtains the amount obtained so far by the user who consumes the monetized content.
- getScaleFromCurrentUser(): Obtains the scale for the amount value (this value, multiplied for the amount, you get the real amount received). For Example: 0.01
- getAssetCodeFromCurrentUser(): Obtains the asset code for user's payments. For example, USD.
- getCurrentPointer(): Obtains the current wallet pointer for payments.
For example:
var totalAmount = webMon.getTotalAmountFromCurrentUser();
console.log("The total amount is "+totalAmount);
Getting new document
For getting the new document variable (DOM), you must call getDocument() funcion. For example:
var document = webMon.getDocument();
For stopping WebMonetization in your page and payments from your users, you must use the stop() method. This method has an optional parameters, "callbackFunction" with a function for executing when the process is stopped.