Webix Remote - simple RPC for Webix UI
Webix Remote - Nodejs
Simple RPC for NodeJS and Webix UI
How to install
npm install webix-remote
How to use
On server side
var remote = require("webix-remote");
var api = remote.server();
api.setMethod("add", function(a,b){
return a+b;
api.setMethod("helpers", {
add: (a,b) => a+b,
mul: (a,b) => a*b
express.use("/api", api.express());
On client side
<script src='/api'></script>
//or in the sync way
var sum = webix.remote.sum(1,2).sync();
Special parameters
- $req - request object
api.setMethod("add", function(a,b,$req){
return a+b+$req.session.userBonus;
//on client - webix.remote.add(1,2);
Adding static data
You can define some static data which will be available on client side. It is a good place for session data, which need to be shared with a client-side code.
Warning - the data generation method will be called only once, during the api initialization.
api.setData("$user", function($req){
return $req.user.id;
var user = webix.remote.$user;
API access levels
You can limit api to user's with defined access level.
//only user with 'admin' role will be able to call the method
api.setMethod("admin@add", function(a,b){
return a+b;
Access level is defined in next way
- all methods withouth access modificator is allowed by default
- if req.session.user exists, methods with "user" modificator is allowed
- if req.session.user.role exists, methods with role modification is allowed
//req.session = { user: { role:"admin,levelB"}}
api.setMethod("user@add1", (a,b) => a+b ); //allowed
api.setMethod("admin@add2", (a,b) => a+b ); //allowed
api.setMethod("levelC@add3", (a,b) => a+b ); //blocked
You can define your custom logic though
api.$access = function(){
return {
user : !!req.user,
admin: req.user && req.user.id == 1