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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




An opt-in, stream-based approach to Web Hosting with NodeJS




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An opt-in, stream-based approach to Web Hosting with NodeJS.

  • Supports HTTP
  • Supports HTTPS
  • Supports HTTP/2

Nothing is true; everything is permitted

By default, the framework does nothing. It parses no headers. It writes no headers. It never writes to or reads from any stream. That is, unless you add middleware. All middleware is built to provide maximum throughput and do as little as possible.


npm install webhoster

Quick Start

** Coming soon! **

For now, take a look at /test/index.js



Class that handles the logic for handling requests and responses

  • .defaultInstance - (HttpHandler) - Returns a instance of HttpHandler that can be accessed staticly.
  • .preprocessors - (Middleware[]) - An array of middleware to use when handling requests before running the main middleware collection.
  • .middleware - (Set<Middleware>) - A collection of middleware chains to iterate though when handling a request. It is recommended to create isolated chains (eg: /images/; /api/; /views/; etc.). The use of Set type is to avoid mistakenly inserting the same middleware chain twice.
  • .errorHandlers - (MiddlewareErrorHandler[]) - An array of MiddlewareErrorHandler that will handle errors and respond appropriately (eg: res.status = 500)
  • .handleRequest - (function(MiddlewareFunctionParams):Promise<HttpResponse>) - handles logic for calling preprocessors, middleware, and error handlers. Unlikely to be used directly.
  • .handleHttp1Request - (function(IncomingMessage, ServerResponse):Promise<HttpResponse>) - constructs a new HttpRequest and HttpResponse based on the HTTP1 parameters and passes it to handleRequest
  • .handleHttp2Stream - (function(ServerHttp2Stream, IncomingHttpHeaders, HttpResponseOptions):Promise<HttpResponse>) - constructs a new HttpRequest and HttpResponse based on the HTTP2 parameters and passes it to handleRequest


  const handler = HttpHandler.defaultInstance;
    new SendHeadersMiddleware(),
    new ContentLengthMiddleware(),
    new HashMiddleware(),
    new ContentEncoderMiddleware(),
    new ContentDecoderMiddleware(),
    new ContentWriterMiddleware({ setCharset: true, setJSON: true }),
    new ContentReaderMiddleware({ buildString: true, parseJSON: true }),
  http1Server.addListener('request', handler.handleHttp1Request);
  http2Server.addListener('stream', handler.handleHttp2Stream);


Class that provides the bare-minimum to bridge different protocols for client requests

  • .stream - (Readable) - This is generally how you will read content inside client requests. With no middleware, it emits a Buffer. But if are using an Object Mode middleware like contentReader.js, events may emit an Object or string.
  • .headers - (IncomingHttpHeaders) - The response headers exactly as presented to the NodeJS Server with no modifications.
  • .locals - (Object<string,any>) - Object that gets passed in every step of the middleware chain. Application-level variables should be presented here.
  • .replaceStream() - (function(stream:Readable):Readable) - replaces the current stream with a new stream. Used by high-level middleware for the purpose of transforming data (eg: JSON-parsing).


async function onPostComment({req, res}) {
  const content = (await[Symbol.asyncIterator]().next()).value;
  let comment;
  try {
    comment = new UserComment(content);
  } catch {
    res.status = 400;
    return 'end';
  try {
    await insertComment(comment);
  } catch {
    res.status = 500;
    return 'end';
  res.status = 200;{status: 'OK'});
  return 'end';


Class that provides the bare-minimum to bridge different protocols for client responses

  • .stream - (Writable) - This is generally how you will return payloads in your custom middleware. It's recommended to use .end(payload) unless you are sending things in chunks with .write(). .pipe() is also supported. With no middleware, it accepts a Buffer or string. But if are using an Object Mode middleware like contentWriter.js, then you can pass an Object that can transform the object to JSON and set the appropriate headers automatically.
  • .headers - (OutgoingHttpHeaders) - The response headers exactly as presented to the NodeJS Server with no modifications.
  • .status - (number) - The response status
  • .locals - (Object<string,any>) - Object that gets passed in every step of the middleware chain. Application-level variables should be presented here.
  • .replaceStream() - (function(stream:Writable):Writable) - replaces the current stream with a new stream. Used by high-level middleware for the purpose of transforming data, or analyzing data to modify response headers. (eg: zlib compression, hashing, content-length).
  • .canPushPath - (boolean) - true on HTTP/2 streams that support push
  • .pushPath - (function(path:string):Promise) - Push a new HTTP/2 stream simulating a request for path


async function onGetIndexPage({res}) {
  const indexHTML = await getIndexPage();
  res.status = 200;
  if (res.canPushPath) {
  return 'end';



Middleware logic flows in a tree structure, allowing for break, end, or continue.

A MiddlewareFunction is a function that accepts a MiddlewareFunctionParams object structured as { res: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse }. The function must return a instruction as to proceed with the current step in tree-based logic. It maybe return any of these instructions with any of the values as a literal or a Promise:

  • End: Terminates the entire middleware chain. values: 'end'
  • Continue: Continues on the current chain to the next middleware, or moves to the next chain if there are no siblings left. values: 'continue'|void|null|undefined
  • Break: Breaks from the current middleware chain, and continues to the next chain. values: 'break'

A MiddlewareFilter is a function that accepts a MiddlewareFunctionParams and returns a MiddlewareContinueBoolean or Promise<MiddlewareContinueBoolean> signaling whether to continue in the chain. true means to continue. false means to break. There is no support for end logic in a MiddlewareFilter.

A MiddlewareErrorHandler is an Object with a onError property. onError is like a MiddlewareFunction, but includes an err item in its parameter object. When the handler is in an error state, it will bubble upwards while search for the next MiddlewareErrorHandler.

Middleware can be a MiddlewareFunction or MiddlewareFilter. It can also a compatible response value of either: 'continue'|true|null|void|undefined, 'break'|false, 'end'. The response can be the value or a Promise.

To support branching, Middleware can also be a Iterable<Middleware> (include Array or Set), Map<any, Middleware> or Object<string, Middleware>. The HttpHandler will iterate through each and flow based on the break, continue, or end instruction return by each entry.

Included Middleware

Response Middleware

  • SendHeaders - Automatically sends response headers before writing or ending a response stream
  • ContentLength - Sets Content-Length based on response stream content writes
  • Hash - Sets ETag, Digest, and Content-MD5 response headers automatically
  • ContentEncoder - Applies Content-Encoding to response based on Accept-Encoding request header
  • ContentWriter - Adds Object Mode write support to response stream, including string and JSON support

Request Middleware

  • ContentDecoder - Decodes Content-Encoding from request streams
  • ContentReader - Adds Object Mode read support to request stream, including string, JSON, and urlencoded support. Can cache transformation into req.local for convenience.

Logic Middleware

  • Path - Creates logic filter based on URL pathname
  • Method - Creates logic filter based on request method

Other Middleware

  • CORS - Handles preflight OPTION requests and sets necessary response headers for other methods


  // This is an object with names for each entry
  sendHeaders: new SendHeadersMiddleware(),
  contentLength: new ContentLengthMiddleware(),
  hash: (USE_HASH ? new HashMiddleware() : 'continue'),
  new CORSMiddleware(),
  [MethodMiddleware.GET, myAPIGetFunctions],
  [MethodMiddleware.POST, myAPIPostFunctions],
  new PathMiddleware(/^\/(index.html?)?$/),
HttpHandler.defaultInstance.middleware.add(({ res }) => { res.status = 404; return 'end'; });
  onError({ res, err }) {
    res.status = 500;
    return 'end';

Custom Middleware

async function checkToken({req, res}) {
  const content = (await[Symbol.asyncIterator]().next()).value;
  req.locals.content = content;
  try {
    const decoded = await decodeJWT(content.token);
    req.locals.jwt = decoded;
    delete req.locals.content.token;
  } catch {
    res.status = 401;
    return 'end';
  return 'continue'