Simplified interface for webgpu for drawing to a canvas, quick and easy to use.
WebGPU Quickdraw
Lean render library for simplifying working with WebGPU.
The goal of this library is to dramatically reduce the setup time required to start using WebGPU by pre-including common requirements for graphics setups, without completely abstracting away the WebGPU architecture.
A notable step that's "skipped" is bind group configuration/creation, which was bundled together with the pipeline creation process due to how tightly linked the two are. This locks the renderer to a single implementation of bind groups that should be optimal for most rendering pipelines, but may not be for specific setups.
This library is not meant to account for every possible combination of WebGPU capabilities, and allow every possible configuration for users. If you require a more complex or specific configuration not covered by my implementation, feel free to take the source code and extend it to cover your use case.
Some utility functions are included (like primitive shapes) for ease of use.
Supports basic 3d model handling from .obj and .gltf files
Transparency, MSAA, depth buffer, and texture mapping pre-included
1000 cubes renders with 2ms GPU computation time
All WebGPU configurations have been reduced to the absolute lowest possible number of lines.
import { Renderer, Primitive } from 'webgpu-quickdraw';
import shader from './shader.wgsl?raw';
const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas');
// initialize WebGPU connection to GPU
const renderer = await Renderer.init(canvas);
// create new pipeline
const pipe1 = renderer.addPipeline(shader);
// create new object
const shape = Primitive.cube(20, 20, 20);
const obj1 = renderer.addObject(pipe1, shape.vertices, shape.uvs, shape.normals);
// update object
renderer.updateObject({ pipelineId: pipe1, objectId: obj1, position: [0, 10, 0]});
// render to canvas
Note: Primitives is only to help generate the vertex, uv, and normal arrays. It does not retain any information regarding the output shape.
Shaders are expected to be WGSL, passed in as a string. You can learn more about WGSL here: https://webgpufundamentals.org/webgpu/lessons/webgpu-wgsl.html, but if you are familiar with GLSL, it should be a relatively simple transition.
Default shader configuration:
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> mvp: MVP;
@group(0) @binding(1) var texture: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(2) var txSampler: sampler;
// custom uniforms:
@group(1) @binding({{bindSlot}}) var<uniform> {{varName}}: {{varType}};
struct MVP {
model: mat4x4<f32>,
view: mat4x4<f32>,
proj: mat4x4<f32>,
struct VertIn {
@location(0) pos: vec3f,
@location(1) uv: vec2f,
@location(2) normal: vec3f,
struct VertOut {
@builtin(position) pos: vec4f,
@location(0) uv: vec2f,
@location(1) normal: vec3f,
@vertex // can be optionally renamed via pipeline options
fn vertexMain(input: VertIn) -> VertOut {
var out: VertOut;
let mvpMat = mvp.proj * mvp.view * mvp.model;
out.pos = mvpMat * vec4f(input.pos, 1);
out.uv = input.uv;
out.normal = input.normal;
return out;
@fragment // can be optionally renamed via pipeline options
fn fragmentMain(input: VertOut) -> @location(0) vec4f {
return vec4f(input.normal, 1.0);
Importing .obj files:
// make pipeline
const pipe1 = renderer.addPipeline(shader1, 1);
// load model to convert obj data to shape data
const model: Shape = await ModelLoader.loadObj(FILE_URL);
const obj = renderer.addObject(pipe1, model.vertices, model.uvs, model.normals);
Importing .gtlf files:
// make pipeline
const pipe1 = renderer.addPipeline(shader1, 1);
// read gtlf data independently
// gtlf files contain much more data than just mesh data,
// which will need to be handled separately from simply loading a mesh into GPU memory
const gtlf: GltfData = await ModelLoader.loadGltf(FILE_URL);
// grab the desired mesh from the gltf file, designated by mesh index
// BASE_URL can be optionally provided where the .bin file is not accessed from root
const model: BufferShape = await ModelLoader.loadGltfMesh(gtlf, 0, BASE_URL);
// gltf data is loaded directly as buffer data
const obj = renderer.addObjectAsBuffers(
- support for reusing pipelines
- support for canvas resizing
- multiple render objects
- alpha channel transparency
- depth buffer z-indexing
- multi-sampled anti-aliasing (4x)
- pre-built mvp transforms for vertex shader
- intakes uv buffer for VBO
- intakes normal buffer for VBO
- intakes index buffer for VBO
- intakes texture for uv mapping
- intakes custom uniforms
- can output into textures for post processing
- support for WebGPU instancing
- support for .obj/.gltf file loading
- Flipped vertical UV value on bottom face of cylinder/pipe/cone
- Added explicit dynamic setting to custom uniforms
dynamic: true
should be added to any existing custom uniforms)
- Added hemisphere primitive
- Improved default UV mapping on sphere
- Improved vertex generation efficiency for other primitives
- Added new primitives (torus2d, cylinder, pipe, cone, sphere)
- Fixed vertex ordering for cube primitive
- Added support for intaking 2 textures
- *BREAKING CHANGE: swapped texture and texture sampler binding positions
- Added basic 3d model loading (.obj/.gltf files)
- Re-exported basic shader with custom uniforms as extendedBasic.wgsl
- Added explicit destroy method to renderer
- Added support for index buffer
- Added support for WebGPU instancing
- Fixed issue with orthographic projection matrix
- Added support for custom uniform buffers
- Better documentation
- more primitive shapes
- gltf animations/textures handling
- compute shaders?
Copied some matrix functions from wgpu-matrix to reduce dependencies