An FPS overlay for the browser
Yeah you do the thing and the overlay the thing
Does it work thoe
Yeah it does, go here and paste the snippet in devtools.
Despite claiming to "obsess about performance", their lib is quite inefficient, and their home page is awful. This makes it ideal for testing the performance overlay!!!
You can clearly see the accuracy of the WebFPS stats & frame graph when the page is rendering at 10fps!
(Sorry GSAP but your lib is slow lmao go use Motion One or CrossAni or maybe AnimeJS)
Whats it useful for?
Testing if your browser supports high refresh rate:
(for example, on my machine, Chromium does not support 144hz with hw accel on, only off, but Firefox runs at it either on or off.)
Testing animation libraries
(I used this to help ensure that CrossAni crushed the competition in smoothness, Motion One also gets the sink smoothness seal of approval:tm:)
Testing animations as a library consumer to make sure they're up to scratch
Testing graphics heavy web experiences such as games or other canvas-based things
web frame per secon
-- Beef
webber framer per seconder
-- Lith
chrome frame second count
-- Phorcys