anotations for selenium tests
The package annotates elements with webdriverjs during test execution.
Use the package in you framework in a driver.findElements()
function wrapper.
No third party libraries are loaded to display the message as it should not interfere with the sites behaviour. The message is a simple div tag with inline styles.
Quickstart Guide
npm install webdriverjs-annotator --save-dev
use the package
import {Annotator} from "webdriverjs-annotator"
// Please dont use the promise manager of webdriverjs!
promise.USE_PROMISE_MANAGER = false;
const driver = await new Builder()
await driver.get("https://www.google.com");
// define the element locator for the element you want to interact with
// extract the locator to a page object
const locator = By.css(`[name='q']`);
// display the message (see screenshot)
await Annotator.displayTestMessage(driver, `Trying to find element ${locator.toString()}`);
const element = driver.findElement(locator);
// hide the message when the element is found
// if the element cant be found, the message is still displayed
// and you can create a screenshot of your browser and reading what you did when
// the error occurred
await Annotator.hideTestMessage(driver);
// after removing the message the element is highlighted
// see screenshot
await Annotator.highlight(driver, element);
// the elements highlight is removed when the next element is highlighted
await element.sendKeys("selenium annotation elements");
await driver.quit();