web 2 based decentralized internet
web10 DOCS | SDKs
web10 Home
web10 auth portal
web10 API page
Getting Started
SDK Installation (npm)
In your node application, run the following command.
npm -i web10-npm
Then, in your application you can import the package at the top.
import {wapiInit} from 'web10-npm'
SDK Installation (CDN Link)
wapi.js is the javascript file containing the web10 developers SDK. the file can be found at : https://unpkg.com/web10-npm/dist/wapi.js
<!-- Installing using CDN -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/web10-npm/dist/wapi.js"></script>
SDK Initialization (JS)
in order to use the web10 SDK, the main SDK object needs to be initialized by the developer.
| function | description | | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | wapiInit(authUrl, appStores, rtcServer) | returns a wapi object registered to handle web10 authentication at the auth portal of the given authUrl. It registers the application to the provided list of app stores, and registers for P2P webrtc with the provided web10 webRTC server. |
appStores and rtcServer are optional parameters, set respectively to appStores = ["https://api.web10.app"] and rtcServer = "rtc.web10.app" by default.
/* simplest way to initialize a wapi object registered for auth with auth.web10.app */
const wapi = wapiInit("https://auth.web10.app")
* initializing a wapi object with the optional parameters.
* appStores - A list of app stores to register the app with.
* rtcServer - A domain name of a web10 webRTC server to use for P2P
wapiInit(authUrl = "https://auth.web10.app", appStores=["https://api.web10.app"], rtcServer = "rtc.web10.app")
SDK Functions
once the wapi object is initialized, it provides a variety of functionalities for managing authentication and credentials.
| function | description | | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | wapi.isSignedIn() | returns a boolean : whether the app is signed in. | | wapi.signOut() | signs the app out. | | wapi.openAuthPortal() | opens the registered web10 auth portal. | | wapi.authListen(setAuth) | listens for the auth portal to send a login token, and triggers the inputted callback function [setAuth] | | wapi.readToken() | reads the data fields of the web10token stored in the wapi object. if wapi isn't logged in and the token is null, wapi.readToken() returns null. | | wapi.getTieredToken(site,target) | mints a token for a given site and web10server using the token stored in wapi. returns an axios promise with response data being the token[as JWT string] on success. |
Anonymous Users
When not logged into web10 on a website with the wapi.js sdk, you can still utilize the web10 CRUD functionality. The api will register you as the 'anon' user [a user with the name anon].
Hello World Demo
Below is an example of some html and javascript utilizing all of the above SDK functions to handle login for a simple hello world app. Demo Link
<!-- index.html -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<button id="authButton">
log in
<p id="message">
app not started
<!-- Installing using CDN -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/wapi.js" ></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
/* script.js */
//initialize a wapi object registered for auth with auth.web10.app
const wapi = wapiInit("https://auth.web10.app")
// make the auth portal open when the log in button is pressed
authButton.onclick = wapi.openAuthPortal
// callback function that initializes the app on web10 login
function initApp(){
// make the logout button handle logouts properly on login
authButton.innerHTML = "log out";
authButton.onclick = () => {
// simple hello world app, saying hello to the user
const t = wapi.readToken()
message.innerHTML = `hello ${t["provider"]}/${t["username"]},<br>`
// either initialize the app if logged in, wait for authentication to do so.
if (wapi.isSignedIn()) initApp()
else wapi.authListen(initApp)
a web10 service is a managed MongoDB collection provided by a web10 provider
web10.app services are hosted at :
User Consent
users start new web10 services by accepting SIRs [service initialization requests]
users accept or deny changes to terms of service through SCRs [service change requests]
users can change their terms of service in the web10 authentication portal at any time.
SDK CRUD + Service Management Functions
| function | description | | --------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | wapi.SMROnReady(sirs,scrs) | adds an event listener that waits for the authentication service to send a ready signal. when the authentication service is ready, wapi sends a service modification request [SMR]. an SMR consists of list of service initialization requests [SIRs] and a list of service change requests [SCRs] | | wapi.create(service,query,username,provider) | Runs a MongoDB create on the web10 service at provider/{username}/{service}, and returns the result as an axios promise. | | wapi.read(service,query,username,provider) | Runs a MongoDB read on the web10 service at provider/{username}/{service}, and returns the result as an axios promise. | | wapi.update(service,query,update,username,provider) | Runs a MongoDB update on the web10 service at provider/{username}/{service}, and returns the result as an axios promise. | | wapi.delete(service,query,username,provider) | Runs a MongoDB delete on the web10 service at provider/{username}/{service}, and returns the result as an axios promise. |
Additional Details about wapi.read(service,query,username,provider) for pagination.
// Additional Detail about wapi.read !!!
// In web10, keys of documents can't be started with a dollar sign. web10 read queries will ignore dollar signs in query keys, EXCEPT for $sort, $skip, and $limit, which are features built into web10 for pagination, explained below.
// wapi.read adds special parameters to the query parameter for pagination.
// $sort : {key : 1 or -1 } - lets you pass in 1 or -1 to sort output ascending or descending.
// $skip : integer - a number of documents to skip in the query, for simple offset pagination
// $limit : integer - a number of documents to return from the query.
Additional details about wapi.update(service, query, update, username, provider).
// Additional Detail about wapi.update !!!
wapi.update(service, query, update, username, provider) returns
"matchedCount" : number of documents that matched the query
"modifiedCount" : number of documents modified.
// This lets a web10 developer upsert via. calling wapi.update. If 0 documents are matched, they can follow up with a wapi.create query.
web10 adds an additional helpful parameter to the update argument, PULL.
if set to true i.e. PULL:true, it pulls any null array values out of the arrays in web10 documents updated.
PULL has unspecified behavior on documents holding numerically keyed dictionaries.
Service Terms
Users have a service term record for each active service they actively host with web10.
| field | description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | service | the name of the web10 service | | cross_origins | websites that users are allowed to make web10 requests to the service from. | | whitelist | a list of users allowed to access the service | | blacklist | a list of users not allowed to access the service. Overrides user listings on the whitelist. |
service : the name of the service
cross_origins : [website1, website2 website3] [regex for exact matching allowed]
whitelist : [
user: the name of a web10 user [regex for exact matching allowed]
provider : the name of a web10 provider [regex for exact matching allowed]
create : true or false
read : true or false
update : true or false
delete : true or false
all : true or false
}, ...
blacklist : [ same as whitelist entries ...]
Subservices (Coming soon)
Subservices are developer definable services within a service. There properties are :
- They can have only stricter rules than the services they are within.
- The rules can never restrict access from the user who owns the service.
- Developers do not need to get user consent to make subservices
Note App Demo
Below is an example of some html and javascript utilizing all of the above user owned service management functionality to make a basic notes app. Demo Link
<!-- index.html -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<button id="authButton">
log in
<p id="message">
app not started
<textarea id="curr" placeholder="write a note here"></textarea>
<button onclick="createNote(curr.value)">create note</button>
<div id="noteview"></div>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/wapi.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
/* script.js */
//conventient failure messages
const Fs = ([cF, rF, uF, dF] = ["create", "read", "update", "delete"].map(
(op) => `failed to ${op} note[s]`
/* wapi setup */
const wapi = wapiInit("https://auth.web10.app");
const sirs = [
service: "web10-docs-note-demo",
cross_origins: ["docs.web10.app", "localhost", "docs.localhost"],
wapi.SMROnReady(sirs, []);
authButton.onclick = wapi.openAuthPortal;
function initApp() {
authButton.innerHTML = "log out";
authButton.onclick = () => {
const t = wapi.readToken();
message.innerHTML = `hello ${t["provider"]}/${t["username"]},<br>`;
if (wapi.isSignedIn()) initApp();
else wapi.authListen(initApp);
/* CRUD Calls */
function readNotes() {
.read("web10-docs-note-demo", {})
.then((response) => displayNotes(response.data))
.catch((error) => (message.innerHTML = `${rF} : ${error.response.data.detail}`));
function createNote(note) {
.create("web10-docs-note-demo", { note: note, date: String(new Date()) })
.then(() => {
curr.value = "";
(error) => (message.innerHTML = `${cF} : ${error.response.data.detail}`)
function updateNote(id) {
const entry = String(document.getElementById(id).value);
.update("web10-docs-note-demo", { _id: id }, { $set: { note: entry } })
(error) => (message.innerHTML = `${uF} : ${error.response.data.detail}`)
function deleteNote(id) {
.delete("web10-docs-note-demo", { _id: id })
(error) => (message.innerHTML = `${dF} : ${error.response.data.detail}`)
/* display */
function displayNotes(data) {
function contain(note) {
return `<div>
<p style="font-family:monospace;">${note.date}</p>
<textarea id="${note._id}">${note.note}</textarea>
<button onclick="updateNote('${note._id}')">Update</button>
<button onclick="deleteNote('${note._id}')">Delete</button>
noteview.innerHTML = data.map(contain).reverse().join(`<br>`);
Developers can accept web10 payment with web10 devPay.
| function | description | | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | wapi.checkout (seller, title, price,successUrl,cancelUrl) | Opens a subscription checkout portal for a customer. | | wapi.verifySubscription (seller, title) | Verify that a customer is subscribed. | | wapi.wapi.cancelSubscription (seller, title) | Cancel a customer subscription |
Demo - web10 Mail App
Below is a demo mail app. It showcases:
- service term regexing to allow all web10 users send you an email.
- $.50/mo. web10 devPay subscription.
- sending of web10 mail as an anon web10 user when not logged in.
Demo Link
<!-- index.html -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/css/bulma.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<div class="main">
<button id="authButton">
log in
<p id="message">
app not started
<div id="subscriptionStatus">awaiting subscription check</div>
<input class="" id="recipient" placeholder="recipient">
<input class="" id="web10server" placeholder="web10server" value="api.web10.app">
<textarea id="curr" placeholder="write message here"></textarea>
<button onclick="createMail(curr.value,recipient.value,web10server.value)">create mail</button>
<div id="mailview"></div>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/wapi.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
/* style.css */
div {
margin-top: 5px;
input {
margin-bottom: 3px;
textarea {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
/* script.js */
//conventient failure messages
const Fs = ([cF, rF, uF, dF] = ["create", "read", "update", "delete"].map(
(op) => `failed to ${op} mail[s]`
/* wapi setup */
const wapi = wapiInit("https://auth.web10.app");
const sirs = [
service: "web10-docs-mail-demo",
cross_origins: ["docs.web10.app", "localhost", "docs.localhost"],
whitelist: [{ username: ".*", provider: ".*", create: true }], //allows all users to write to you
wapi.SMROnReady(sirs, []);
authButton.onclick = wapi.openAuthPortal;
/* web10 devPay */
const [seller, subscriptionTitle, price, url] = [
/* message for current subscribers */
function displaySubscriberMessage() {
subscriptionStatus.innerHTML = `subscribed! <button id="cancel"> cancel sub </button>`;
cancel.onclick = () =>
.cancelSubscription(seller, subscriptionTitle)
.then(() => window.location.reload())
.catch((e) => {
subscriptionStatus.innerHTML = `subscription cancellation failed...`;
/* message for users that are not subscribed to onboard them */
function displayOnboardMessage() {
subscriptionStatus.innerHTML = `not subscribed! <button id="checkout"> subscribe </button>`;
checkout.onclick = () =>
wapi.checkout(seller, subscriptionTitle, price, url, url).catch((e) => {
message.innerHTML = e.response.data.detail;
/* a front end weak subscription check [still lucrative!] */
function validSubscription(subscriptionData) {
return (
subscriptionData !== null &&
parseInt(subscriptionData["price"]) === price &&
subscriptionData["seller"] === seller &&
subscriptionData["title"] === title
/* The devpay functionality */
function devPay() {
.verifySubscription(seller, subscriptionTitle)
.then((r) => {
if (validSubscription(r["data"])) displaySubscriberMessage();
else displayOnboardMessage();
(e) => (subscriptionStatus.innerHTML = `subscription check failed...`)
function initApp() {
authButton.innerHTML = "log out";
authButton.onclick = () => {
const t = wapi.readToken();
message.innerHTML = `hello ${t["provider"]}/${t["username"]},<br>`;
if (wapi.isSignedIn()) initApp();
else wapi.authListen(initApp);
/* CRUD Calls */
function readMail() {
.read("web10-docs-mail-demo", {})
.then((response) => displayMail(response.data))
.catch((error) => (message.innerHTML = `${rF} : ${error}`));
function createMail(mail, user, provider) {
const t = wapi.readToken();
const sender = t===null ? "anon":t["username"]
mail: mail,
date: String(new Date()),
provider: provider,
username: sender,
.then(() => {
if (sender!=="anon") readMail();
curr.value = "";
message.innerHTML = "sent message";
.catch((error) => (message.innerHTML = `${cF} : ${error}`));
function deleteMail(id) {
.delete("web10-docs-mail-demo", { _id: id })
(error) => (message.innerHTML = `${dF} : ${error.response.data.detail}`)
/* display */
function displayMail(data) {
function contain(mail) {
return `<div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:10px">
<p style="font-family:monospace;">${mail.date}</p>
<p style="font-family:monospace;">${mail.provider}/${mail.username}</p>
<i id="${mail._id}">${mail.mail}</i>
<button onclick="deleteMail('${mail._id}')">Delete</button>
mailview.innerHTML = data.map(contain).reverse().join(`<br>`);
P2P (Via. PeerJS) (Coming soon)
web10 peer to peer functionality relies on the PeerJS library. web10 runs it's own webRTC server to keep web10 users secure when using the platform.
SDK Functions
| Function | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | wapi.initP2P(onInbound=null) | Initializes the client as a peer, and on recieving inbound connections saves the connections to wapi.inBound. and attaches an event listener that triggers the onInbound(conn,data) function to recieved inbound connections | | wapi.P2P(provider, username, origin, metaData={}, label = "default") | Makes a P2P connection with another web10 peer. |
Outbound/Inbound P2P
Connections that other web10 users make to you are stored in the wapi.inBound dictionary under their peer ID.
Connections that you make to other web10 users are stored in the wapi.outBound dictionary under their peer ID.
web10 Peer IDs
On web10, peer ids look like 'provider/username/origin/label'
- provider is the web10 provider of a user of web10 P2P
- username is the web10 username of a user of web10 P2P
- origin is the origin of the site the user is using to make the web10 P2P connection
- when connecting to a mobile encryptor, origin is set to "mobile"
- label is an extra string a developer can add to the peer id to handle single users being multipeer
P2P messaging demo (Coming soon)
see https://mail.web10.app
Encryption (Coming soon)
web10 does the following to make encryption is as secure as possible :
- Implements SEPC256K1 encryption for digital signatures, diffie helman, and assymetric encryption
- Has a mobile app client to store all of your web10 keys locally on your phone to keep the keys entirely secret.
- Creates a P2P tunnel between your phone and web10 using devices to keep your web10 apps secure.
E2E P2P messaging demo (Coming soon)
(Coming soon)
End of web10 docs ...